Now showing items 41-43 of 43

    • Undrained Shear Strength of Overconsolidated Clay 

      Aas, Gunnar; Lacasse, Suzanne (NGI Publication;209, Chapter, 2022)
      It has been known for a long time now that in soft and sensitive clays undrained failure occurs apparently before the full friction angle has been mobilized. The main object of this paper is to clarify the importance of ...
    • Vane Shear Strength in Terms of Effective Stresses 

      Aas, Gunnar; Lacasse, Suzanne (NGI Publication;209, Chapter, 2022)
      Experience with the shear strength determined with the field vane has shown that the measured values of the strength, normalized with the effective overburden stress, suv/σ'vo, are often lower than 0.1 for normally ...
    • Yield Stresses in Soft Contracting Clays 

      Aas, Gunnar; Lacasse, Suzanne (NGI Publication;209, Chapter, 2022)
      The undrained shear strength su along an arbitrary failure plane can be expressed as: su = 1/2(σ'ULS − σ'LLS) (1) where σ'ULS and σ'LLS denote the upper (U) and lower (L) effective, normal, compressive failure stresses ...