• Skred og skredfare 

      Jørstad, Finn; Lied, Karstein (NGI Publikasjon;122, Journal article, 1978)
      Allerede samme år som NGI offisielt ble opprettet fikk man i oppdrag å undersøke kvikkleireskredet som gikk på Bekkelaget ved Oslo 7. oktober 1953...
    • Skredfare, boligplanlegging og ekspertens rolle overfor oppdragsgiver 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1978)
      Trange dalfører og bratte fjellsider er svært vanlig i vårt land og i fjord. og dalstrØkene særlig pA Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge er naturødeleggelse i fonn av skred en realitet. I mange dalfører er f.eks. gArdsbebyggelsen ...
    • Snow avalanche at Bleie, Ullensvang, January 1994. 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      A major snow avalanche hit the farms at Bleie, municipality of Ullensvang, January 27 1994. Three dwelling houses were completely destroyed, and several other buildings were destroyed or damaged. The history of the Bleie ...
    • Snow avalanche experience through 25 years at NGI. 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      This year it is 25 years since the Norwegian parliament decided that NG! should be the institution responsible for snow avalanche research and consulting work in Norway. Because of several major snow avalanche accidents ...
    • Snow avalanche research programme SIP-6. Ryggfonn. Full scale avalanche test site and the effect of the catching dam 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI-rapport;58120-35, Research report, 2002-02-28)
      The effect of the 16 m high retaining dam in Ryggfonn has been analysed by using data from 12 dry snow avalanches. Except for one avalanche, which was stopped by the dam, all of these avalanches overtopped it and ran ...
    • Snow Avalanches 

      Lied, Karstein (Chapter, 2004)
      Snow avalanches represent a threat to societies in many countries of the world. In America, Asia, Australia, and Europe, several mountainous countries are affected by this type of natural hazard. People, housing areas, ...
    • Snøskred generelt. Snø og snøskred vinteren 1973-74 

      Lied, Karstein; Høeg, Kaare (NGI-rapport;58000-01, Research report, 1978-06-30)
      Denne rapporten gir en beretning om snøskredforholdene og forskningsaktiviteten ved skredstasjonen, Strynefjell vinteren 1973/74. Først beskrives de prosjektene man arbeidet med, deretter omtales vær- og snøforholdene, og ...
    • Snøskred og vurdering av snøskredfare 

      Lied, Karstein (Chapter, 1976)
      Artikkelen gir først en kort historikk av snøskredforskning i Norge. Den er nå organisert ved Norges Geotekniske Institutt som har etablert en fast forskningsstasjon i høyfjellet. Deretter er det redegjort for de viktigste ...
    • Statistical and geometrical definition of snow avalanche runout 

      Martinelli, M. Jr.; McClung, D.M.; Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1987)
      Two mathematical models for calculating the extreme avalanche runout from a fixed reference point on the path are presented and contrasted. The models are: (1) estimates of confidence limits on regression analyses of ...
    • Statistical avalanche zoning. 

      McClung, D. M.; Lied, Karstein (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 1984)
      Runout for the extreme event on an avalanche path is calculated from confidence limits on a regression analysis of path topographic parameters. This results in redefinition of the traditional zoning problem by dividing it ...
    • TIGRA. The integrated geological risk assessment. Hazard zoning methods of snow avalanches, debris flow and rock falls. Final report 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI-rapport;589210-03, Research report, 1997-11-20)
      The present report describes natural hazard zoning methods for snow avalanches in Norway and in some other countries were avalanches are a serious threat to the society. In addition methods for rock-fall and debris slide ...
    • The upgraded full-scale avalanche test-site Ryggfonn, Norway. 

      Gauer, Peter; Breien, Hedda; Issler, Dieter; Kristensen, Krister; Kronholm, Kalle; Lied, Erik; Lied, Karstein (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2010)
      Measurements of full-scale avalanches are expensive and time consuming, but are indispensable to gain in-depth understanding of the flow behavior of avalanches. They are needed to crosscheck the scaling used in small-scale ...