• Significance of historical records for avalanche hazard zoning in Norway 

      Kristensen, Krister; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Harbitz, Alf (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2000)
      In avalanche hazard zoning, it is common practice to investigate the previous avalanche history for the area considered. Historical observations of avalanches serve as an aid in the classification of the terrain, and may ...
    • Simulation of snow-avalanche flow in run-out zones. 

      Norem, Harald; lrgens, Fridtjov; Schieldrop, Bonsak (Journal article, 1989)
      The authors of this paper have previously, in 1987, outlined the development of a set of constitutive equations representing the behaviour of avalanching snow, and the resulting equations for fully developed steady shear ...
    • Simulations of dense snow avalanches on deflecting dams 

      Irgens, Fridtjov (NGI-rapport;58121-03, Research report, 1997-08-27)
      Two models simulating snow avalanches impacting retaining dams at oblique angles of incidence are presented. First a lumped mass model applying the Voellmy-Perla equation is used to calculate the path ofthe centre-of-mass ...
    • SIP-6 snøskredforskning. Bruk av klimadatabaser for skredfareevaluering 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58810-23, Research report, 2002-01-29)
      Det er innhenta værdata fra 15 meteorologiske klimastasjoner i Norge. Disse dataene er behandla slik at de er relevante for vurdering av sannsynligheten for utløsning av snøskred. Det betyr at det er foretatt en glidende ...
    • SIP6 snøskredforskning. Vær-, snø - og snøskred i Grasdalen. Vintrene 1994/1995 til 1999/2000 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;20011001-05, Research report, 2001-10-29)
      Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over innsamlede vær-, snø- og snøskreddata fra skredforskningsstasjonen Fonnbu i Grasdalen på Strynefjellet. Oversikten omfatter vintrene 1994/1995, 1995/1996, 1996/1997, 1997/1998, 1999/2000.
    • SIP8 - offshore geohazards and SIP6 - snøskredforskning. 3D- visualization of slides and the NIS slide model 

      Domaas, Ulrik (NGI-rapport;20021023-36, Research report, 2005-03-31)
      Numerical models are important tools for hazard assessment, and visualization is an important tool for pre-processing the input to those models and presenting results from the model runs. Visualization results address ...
    • Skred og skredforskning i Norge 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (Chapter, 1999)
      Siden man begynte offentlig registrering over årsak til dødsulykker i 1835, har ca. 1500 mennesker satt livet til i ulykker som skyldes snøskred eller sørpeskred i Norge. I Alpelandene var man også vel vant med den hvite ...
    • Skred- og klimadatabase. Statusrapport. Skreddatabase 

      Juvet, Halvor (NGI-rapport;20041046 Notat 2005-01-07, Research report, 2005-01-07)
      Avdeling for skred og ingeniørgeologi ønsker gjennom prosjektet 20041046 å utvikle en database for lagring av skredinformasjon, samt et webbasert grensesnitt for registrering av skredinformasjon. Arbeid i prosjektet er ...
    • Slushflow questionnaire 

      Onesti, Lawrence j.; Hestnes, Erik (NGI-rapport;58200-06, Research report, 1988-10-10)
      Questionnaires concerning slushflows were distributed globally. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine the geographic distribution of slushflow activity as well as to collect information concerning most common ...
    • Snow avalanche at Bleie, Ullensvang, January 1994. 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      A major snow avalanche hit the farms at Bleie, municipality of Ullensvang, January 27 1994. Three dwelling houses were completely destroyed, and several other buildings were destroyed or damaged. The history of the Bleie ...
    • Snow avalanche dynamics : observations and experiments 

      Nishimura, K.; Ito, Y.; Keller, S.; McElwine, S.; Nohguchi, Y.; Izumi, K.; Kawada, K. (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      In order to investigate the dynamics and the detailed structure of snow avalanches, we have made systematic observations in the Shiai-dani, Kurobe Canyon since 1989. Velocities of the lower flowing component were calculated ...
    • Snow avalanche experience through 25 years at NGI. 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      This year it is 25 years since the Norwegian parliament decided that NG! should be the institution responsible for snow avalanche research and consulting work in Norway. Because of several major snow avalanche accidents ...
    • Snow avalanche forecasting in Iceland and Norway 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;581250-02, Research report, 1996-01-29)
      This document describes local avalanche warning and forecasting operations in Iceland and Norway, with the focus on forecasting as a preventive measure for communities with threatened habitations. The objective of an ...
    • Snowmelt and slush avalanches / slushflows in nothern mountains, Sweden. A video presentation. 

      Rapp, Anders; Gude, Martin; Scherer, Dieter (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      A video of 15 minutes duration reviews different cases of slushflows in May-June 1995 and their behaviour during release and downslope propagation. Slushflow dynamics are compared with other types of mass movement.
    • Some results of long-term variability of avalanche activity of CIS mountains 

      Kanaev, L. A.; Kakurina, Y. G. (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The work present the analysis of the long variation of avalanche activity of former USSR (CIS) mountains by the data of regular observations. There were determined the periods of activigation and reduction of avalanche ...
    • A survey of snow avalanche accidents in Norway. 

      Kristensen, Krister (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute;203, Chapter, 1998)
      Available historical data relating to snow avalanche accidents in Norway have been examined, ranging from the 17th century to present. A near continuous record of avalanche deaths from 1855 is documented. From 1946, the ...
    • Temperature gradient metamorphism and its relation with the avalanche release 

      Satyawali, P. K. (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      In winter there is a considerable amount of solid precipitation in the western part of Himalayas. Avalanche frequently occur here, and often endanger national economic construction and human life. Observations show that ...
    • Temporal changes in the spatial variability of shear strength and stability. 

      Logan, Spencer; Birkeland, Karl W.; Kronholm, Kalle; Hansen, Kathy (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Avalanche forecasting involves the prediction of spatial and temporal variability of the snowpack. To predict avalanches with more accuracy it is important to determine whether the snowpack is becoming more spatially ...
    • TIGRA. The integrated geological risk assessment. Hazard zoning methods of snow avalanches, debris flow and rock falls. Final report 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI-rapport;589210-03, Research report, 1997-11-20)
      The present report describes natural hazard zoning methods for snow avalanches in Norway and in some other countries were avalanches are a serious threat to the society. In addition methods for rock-fall and debris slide ...
    • Transferring avalanches between paths 

      Sigurðsson, Sven; Jónasson, Kristján; Arnalds, Þorsteinn (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      Estimates of exceedance probabilities of runout lengths of avalanches for a specific path can rarely be based on measured avalanches in that slope alone, if they are to become statistically reliable. Thus one has, directly ...