• Forecasting snow avalanche days from meteorological data using classification trees, Grasdalen, Western Norway. 

      Kronholm, Kalle; Vikhamar-Schuler, Dagrun; Jaedicke, Christian; Isaksen, Ketil; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Avalanches pose one of the most serious problems to infrastructure and people in the mountains in Norway. Processes leading to avalanche release are deterministic but the time and place of avalanche release is notoriously ...
    • Forecasting the fatal Longyearbyen avalanche. Possibilities and challenges 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Mørk, Torgeir; Brattlien, Kjetil (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2016)
      One of the main questions after the fatal avalanche in Longyearbyen in December 2015, where two persons perished and eleven houses were destroyed, was whether an active avalanche warning system would have identified the ...
    • GIS aided avalanche warning in Norway. 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kronholm, Kalle; Kristensen, Krister; Bakkehøi, Steinar (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)
      By 2008 detailed avalanche warning for the entire Norway is not available. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute only issues a general warning for large regions of the country for danger level 4 or 5, mainly based on ...
    • GIS-aided avalanche warning in Norway 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Syre, Egil; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kjetil (Journal article, 2014)
      Avalanche warning for large areas requires the processing of an extensive amount of data. Information relating to the three basic requirements for avalanche warning – knowledge of terrain, the snow conditions, and the ...
    • Global landslide and avalanche hotspots 

      Nadim, Farrokh; Kjekstad, Oddvar; Peduzzi, Pascal; Herold, Christian (Journal article, 2006-02-08)
      Allocating resources for natural hazard risk management has high priority in development banks and international agencies working in developing countries. Global hazard and risk maps for landslides and avalanches were ...
    • Global warning reduces the consequences of slushflows 

      Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Jaedicke, Christian (Chapter, 2017)
      Most recentpublicationson natural hazards, if they mention slushflows at all, state that their impact onmankind will increase. However, milder weather, shorter winters, less snow and rise of the snowline will mainly shift ...
    • Global warning reduces the consequences of snow-related hazards 

      Hestnes, Erik; Jaedicke, Christian (Lecture, 2018)
      Most recent publications dealing with consequences related to avalanches and slushflows state that their impact on mankind will increase. That is a highly debatable statement. Milder weather, shorter winters, less snow and ...
    • Identification of slushflow situations from regional weather models 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Høydal, Øyvind Armand; Midtbø, Knut Helge (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute;, Chapter, 2013)
      Slushflows are known phenomena that cause significant problems for settlements and infrastructure in Norway. Even though single events in the same location are rather rare compared to avalanches, slushflows do occur annually ...
    • Impacts of extreme weather events on transport infrastructure in Norway 

      Frauenfelder, Regula; Solheim, Anders; Isaksen, Ketil; Romstad, Bård; Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe; Ekseth, Kristine; Skaland, Reidunn Gangstø; Harbitz, Alf; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Haugen, Jan Erik; Hygen, Hans Olav; Haakenstad, Hilde; Jaedicke, Christian; Jónsson, Árni; Klæboe, Ronny; Ludvigsen, Johanna; Meyer, Nele Kristin; Rauken, Trude; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kjetil (Journal article, 2016)
    • The influence of drifting snow on the location of glaciers on western Spitsbergen, Svalbard 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Gauer, Peter (Journal article, 2005)
      On western Spitsbergen, Svalbard, the amount of winter precipitation is insufficient to maintain the present-day mass balance of the local glaciers. Additional snow mass must be added to the precipitation to reach the ...
    • Integrated database for rapid mass movements in Norway 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Lied, Karstein; Kronholm, Kalle (Journal article, 2009)
      Rapid gravitational slope mass movements include all kinds of short term relocation of geological material, snow or ice. Traditionally, information about such events is collected separately in different databases covering ...
    • Integrated database for rapid mass movements in Norway 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Lied, Karstein; Juvet, Halvor; Kronholm, Kalle (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Rapid mass movements include all kinds of slides in geological material, snow or ice. Traditionally, information about such events is collected separately in different databases covering selected geographical regions and ...
    • Integrated database for rapid mass movements in Norway. 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Lied, Karstein; Juvet, Halvor; Kronholm, Kalle (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Rapid mass movements include all kinds of slides in geological material, snow or ice. Traditionally, information about such events is collected separately in different databases covering selected geographical regions and ...
    • Local avalanche warning in Europe 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Studeregger, Arnold; Monti, Fabiano; Dellavedova, Paola; Stoffel, Lukas; Azzarello, Sergio; Garcia, Carles; Molné, Toni; Bellido, Guillem Martín (Lecture, 2018)
      Avalanche exposed settlements, communication lines, ski resort operations, construction sites, tourism and professional guiding are only few examples of activities in the mountains where an active risk management requires ...
    • Longyearbyen, Svalbard - Vulnerability and risk management of an arctic settlement under changing climate - a challenge to authorities and experts 

      Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Jaedicke, Christian (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2016)
      Longyearbyen, the administrative centre of the Svalbard archipelago, is facing most types of natural hazards under a changing Arctic climate. The catastrophic avalanche in December 2015 led NGI to review our professional ...
    • Metoder, verktøy og arbeidsflyt for risikovurdering av planlagte deponilokaliteter på Svalbard 

      Breedveld, Gijs; Frauenfelder, Regula; Eidsvig, Unni; Jaedicke, Christian; Nerland, Ørjan; Gisnås, Kjersti; Piciullo, Luca (NGI-rapport;20180397-02-R, Research report, 2021-02-22)
      Prosjektet "Permafrost som geologisk barriere", finansiert gjennom Svalbard Miljøvernfond, har som målsetning å forstå i hvilken grad permafrost er en fungerende geologisk barriere i tilknytning til deponier på Svalbard. ...
    • Norge - et overraskende snøskred-land 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kronholm, Kalle (Journal article, 2008)
      Det er ikke helt passende å påstå at vestlendinger, nordlendinger og finnmarkinger er forskjellige av natur. Men snøskredene i de tre regionene er åpenbart forskjellige: Skred utløses ofte av nedbør på Vestlandet, av ...
    • Regional avalanche warning in Norway, a new concept for a large country 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Sandersen, Frode; Brattlien, Kjetil; Solheim, Anders (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)
      Norway encompasses 324 000 km2 of land area of which ca. 7 % are mountainsides steeper than 30 degrees. The country extends approximately 1700 km from south to north and features extreme variations in normal precipitation ...
    • Reinunga, Aurland. Snøskredulykke 3. mars 2004 

      Jaedicke, Christian (NGI-rapport;20041154-01, Research report, 2004-03-26)
      A derivation is given for the equation of thermodynamic equilibrium between ice and water in porous media. The equation accounts for a difference between the pressure of the ice phase and the total potential (in pressure ...
    • Remote sensing of avalanches in northern Norway using Synthetic Aperture Radar 

      Malnes, Eirik; Eckerstorfer, Markus; Larsen, Yngvar; Frauenfelder, Regula; Jónsson, Árni; Jaedicke, Christian; Solbø, Stian A. (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2013)
      We present results from using synthetic aperture radar data (SAR) to analyse three avalanches in the county of Troms in northern Norway during the late snow season 2013. During a persistent polar low pressure activity at ...