Browsing Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Digital Archive by Author "Eidsvig, Unni"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Applicability of forensic analysis techniques on the Improvement of Early Warning Landslides Systems and Components
Pedroni, Lincar; Cepeda, Jose; Eidsvig, Unni (Chapter, 2019) -
Assessing the risk posed by natural hazards to infrastructures
Eidsvig, Unni; Kristensen, Krister; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This paper proposes a model for assessing the risk posed by natural hazards to infrastructures, with a focus on the indirect losses and loss of stability for the population relying on the infrastructure. The model prescribes ... -
Eidsvig, Unni; Skrede, Hallvard; Body, Nellie Sofie; Gisnås, Kjersti; Handberg, Øyvind Nystad; Frankmo, Matilde Avdem; Aalen, Peter; Hole, Inger Nielsen (Research report, 2025-01-01)Rapporten inngår i prosjektet “Klimatilpasning og veitransport – KlimaVei”. Målet med prosjektet har vært å utvikle metoder og verktøy for bedre ivareta klimarisiko i vegsektoren, og bidra til at disse blir tatt i bruk ... -
Håndtering av skredrisiko i et endret klima
Kalsnes, Bjørn; Eidsvig, Unni; Heyerdahl, Håkon; Piciullo, Luca; Solheim, Anders; Strout, James Michael; Vicari, Hervé (Journal article, 2022) -
Landslide risk reduction through close partnership between research, industry, and public entities in Norway: Pilots and case studies
Solheim, Anders; Kalsnes, Bjørn; Strout, James Michael; Piciullo, Luca; Heyerdahl, Håkon; Eidsvig, Unni; Lohne, Jardar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Metoder, verktøy og arbeidsflyt for risikovurdering av planlagte deponilokaliteter på Svalbard
Breedveld, Gijs; Frauenfelder, Regula; Eidsvig, Unni; Jaedicke, Christian; Nerland, Ørjan; Gisnås, Kjersti; Piciullo, Luca (NGI-rapport;20180397-02-R, Research report, 2021-02-22)Prosjektet "Permafrost som geologisk barriere", finansiert gjennom Svalbard Miljøvernfond, har som målsetning å forstå i hvilken grad permafrost er en fungerende geologisk barriere i tilknytning til deponier på Svalbard. ... -
Probabilistic modeling of vulnerability of road infrastructures to floods
Uzielli, Marco; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar; Eidsvig, Unni (Journal article, 2016)Factors which contribute to the vulnerability of physical elements such as road infrastructures to a natural hazard such as a flood event are pervaded by uncertainty due to the complexity of the hazard, of the vulnerable ... -
Risk analyses in excavation and foundation work
Kalsnes, Bjørn; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar; Eidsvig, Unni (Lecture, 2016) -
Risk assessment and dams – Recent developments and applications
Lacasse, Suzanne; Nadim, Farrokh; Liu, Zhongqiang; Eidsvig, Unni; Le, Thi Minh Hue; Lin, C.G. (Chapter, 2019)Increasingly, society and standards require "risk-informed" decisions. The paper demonstrates the benefits of implementing reliability and risk concepts in dam engineering as a complement to conventional deterministic ... -
Risk assessment of terrestrial transportation infrastructures exposed to extreme events
Eidsvig, Unni; Santamaría, Monica; Galvão, Neryvaldo; Tanasic, Nikola; Piciullo, Luca; Hajdin, Rade; Nadim, Farrokh; Sousa, Hélder S.; Matos, José (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Surveying Perception of Landslide Risk Management Performance, a Case Study in Norway
Chiu, Jessica Ka Yi; Eidsvig, Unni (Chapter, 2017)The effectiveness of landslide risk management should be assessed to optimize the implementation of landslide risk mitigation measures. The Risk Management Index (RMI) of Cardona et al. (Disaster risk and risk management ... -
Temporal evolution of flow-like landslide hazard for a road infrastructure in the municipality of Nocera Inferiore (southern Italy) under the effect of climate change
Uzielli, Marco; Rianna, Guido; Ciervo, Fabio; Mercogliano, Paola; Eidsvig, Unni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)In recent years, flow-like landslides have extensively affected pyroclastic covers in the Campania region in southern Italy, causing human suffering and conspicuous economic damages. Due to the high criticality of the area, ... -
The most recent view of vulnerability
Schneiderbauer, Stefan; Calliari, Elisa; Eidsvig, Unni; Hagenlocher, Michael (Chapter, 2017) -
Uncertainty in flood risk assessment of linear structures: Why correlation matters
Storrøsten, Erlend Briseid; Piciullo, Luca; Nadim, Farrokh; Eidsvig, Unni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)