Browsing Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Digital Archive by Author "Larsen, Jan Otto"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Avalanche control measures for roads in Norway
Larsen, Jan Otto (Chapter, 1994)In a mountainous country like Norway the roads are exposed to different kind of natural hazards. Increasing traffic and extensive road-building programs the latest 25 years have made the society dependent on a relatively ... -
Comparison of snow pressure measurements and theoretical predictions
McClung, David M.; Larsen, Jan Otto; Hansen, Svein Borg (Journal article, 1984)Measurements of snow creep pressures from the centre section of a 3.4 m high and 15 m long avalanche-defence supporting structure located on a mountain in western Norway are presented. The site has a deep snow cover and ... -
Design criteria for cylindrical masts exposed to snow creep forces.
Larsen, Jan Otto; Kristensen, Krister (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)Based on 23 years of measurements of snow creep forces on cylindrical masts, a relation between the pressure and snow parameters as snow depth, density and temperature, has been established. The long observation period has ... -
DUE avalRS: Remote-Sensing Derived Avalanche Inventory Data for Decision Support and Hind-Cast after Avalanche Events
Frauenfelder, Regula; Kronholm, Kalle; Solberg, Rune; Larsen, Siri Øyen; Salberg, Arnt-Børre; Larsen, Jan Otto; Bjordal, Heidi (Chapter, 2010)Each year, snow avalanches hit populated areas and parts of the transport network in the Norwegian mountain regions, leading to loss of lives and the damaging of buildings and infrastructure. We present the results of a ... -
The effect of dam constructions as mitigative measures: 14 years of experience from a full-scale project
Larsen, Jan Otto; Norem, Harald (Lecture, 1996)The Ryggfonn project is a full-scale project for determination of avalanche behavior. Measurements of velocities, impact pressures and observations of flow patterns around a 15 m high and 75 m long earthfill dam, have been ... -
Snow creep pressure on mast constructions
Larsen, Jan Otto; Laugesen, Jens (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 1990)In Norway snow-creep quite often causes damage on mast constructions on hillsides exposed to deep snow-cover. An extensive snow-creep measurement program has therefore been carried out for different constructions at NGI's ... -
Snow-creep pressure on masts
Larsen, Jan Otto; Laugesen, Jens; Kristensen, Krister (Journal article, 1989)Snow-pressure measurements have been carried out on two masts at the NGI avalanche station in Grasdalen, western Norway. These two tubular masts have diameters of 0.22 and 0.42 m, respectively, and are situated on a 25° ... -
Snøens sigetrykk mot konstruksjoner i bratt terreng
Larsen, Jan Otto (NGI-rapport;58110-01, Research report, 1982-06-11)I 1975 påbegynte Norges Vassdrags- og Elektrisitetsvesen og Norges Geotekniske Institutt et samarbeidsprosjekt for å finne fram til retningslinjer for dimensjonering av mastekonstruksjoner mot snøsigkrefter. Grasdalen ... -
The temporal and spatial variation of snow pressure on structures
Larsen, Jan Otto; McClung, David M.; Hansen, Svein Borg (Journal article, 1985)Measurements of snow creep pressure on an avalanche-defence structure in western Norway are presented. Two different types of measurement methods are described and evaluated. Pressure data from four winters are correlated ... -
Trykkvirkninger av skred
Larsen, Jan Otto (Chapter, 1979)Masse i bevegelse følger de generelle fysiske grunnprinsipper: K = m . a (newtons 2 . lov)....