Browsing Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Digital Archive by Author "Piciullo, Luca"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A first step towards a IoT-based local early warning system for an unsaturated slope in Norway
Piciullo, Luca; Capobianco, Vittoria; Heyerdahl, Håkon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
A management tool to reduce the risk of damage caused by geotechnical groundworks
Piciullo, Luca; Bekele, Yared Worku; Depina, Ivan; Nadim, Farrokh; Langford, Jenny (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
A new look at the statistics of tailings dam failures
Piciullo, Luca; Storrøsten, Erlend Briseid; Liu, Zhongqiang; Nadim, Farrokh; Lacasse, Suzanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
An ArcGIS toolbox for the probabilistic performance-based assessment of surface building damage in large-scale urban excavations
Zhao, J.; Lysdahl, Asgeir Olaf Kydland; Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Piciullo, Luca; Ritter, Stefan; DeJong, M.J. (Chapter, 2024) -
An operational IoT-based slope stability forecast using a digital twin
Piciullo, Luca; Abraham, Minu Treesa; Drøsdal, Ida Nordehaug; Paulsen, Erling Singstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Analysis of risk associated with failures of tailings storage facility
Liu, Zhongqiang; Nagula, Sparsha Sinduri; Piciullo, Luca; Lacasse, Suzanne (Chapter, 2024) -
ArcGIS-verktøy for å vurdere innlekkasjekrav og konsekvenser av tunnel i urbane områder
Langford, Jenny; Ritter, Stefan; Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Piciullo, Luca (Lecture, 2023) -
Assessing potential building damage caused by leakage to urban tunnels
Langford, Jenny; Ritter, Stefan; Lysdahl, Asgeir Olaf Kydland; Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Piciullo, Luca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Building damage is a major risk for urban tunnelling. In areas with soft soil conditions, water ingress to bedrock tunnels can cause significant pore pressure reduction, consolidation settle-ments and damage to nearby ... -
Assessment of building damage due to excavation-induced displacements: The GIBV method
Piciullo, Luca; Ritter, Stefan; Lysdahl, Asgeir Olaf Kydland; Langford, Jenny; Nadim, Farrokh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper presents an original methodology for the rapid assessment of “potential” building damage caused by an excavation. The combination of the Ground-work Impact (GI), in terms of induced greenfield displacements, and ... -
Considerations for using critical state soil mechanics based constitutive models for capturing static liquefaction failure of tailings dams
Liu, Haoyuan; Nagula, Sparsha Sinduri; Jostad, Hans Petter; Piciullo, Luca; Nadim, Farrokh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
GIBV Risikoverktøy – Brukermanual og dokumentasjon
Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Piciullo, Luca; Ritter, Stefan (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.3, Research report, 2022-09)GIBV-verktøyet er utviklet gjennom forsknings- og utviklingsprosjektet (FoU) BegrensSkade II som har pågått fra 2017 til 2022. GIBV står for "Ground-work Impact (GI) og Building Vulnerability (BV)". Verktøyet er utviklet ... -
Håndtering av skredrisiko i et endret klima
Kalsnes, Bjørn; Eidsvig, Unni; Heyerdahl, Håkon; Piciullo, Luca; Solheim, Anders; Strout, James Michael; Vicari, Hervé (Journal article, 2022) -
Landslide risk reduction through close partnership between research, industry, and public entities in Norway: Pilots and case studies
Solheim, Anders; Kalsnes, Bjørn; Strout, James Michael; Piciullo, Luca; Heyerdahl, Håkon; Eidsvig, Unni; Lohne, Jardar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Metoder, verktøy og arbeidsflyt for risikovurdering av planlagte deponilokaliteter på Svalbard
Breedveld, Gijs; Frauenfelder, Regula; Eidsvig, Unni; Jaedicke, Christian; Nerland, Ørjan; Gisnås, Kjersti; Piciullo, Luca (NGI-rapport;20180397-02-R, Research report, 2021-02-22)Prosjektet "Permafrost som geologisk barriere", finansiert gjennom Svalbard Miljøvernfond, har som målsetning å forstå i hvilken grad permafrost er en fungerende geologisk barriere i tilknytning til deponier på Svalbard. ... -
Modelling of shallow landslides with Machine Learning algorithms
Liu, Zhongqiang; Gilbert, Graham Lewis; Cepeda, Rivera Jose Mauricio; Lysdahl, Asgeir Olaf Kydland; Piciullo, Luca; Haugland, Heidi Hefre; Lacasse, Suzanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper introduces three machine learning (ML) algorithms, the 'ensemble' Random Forest (RF), the 'ensemble' Gradient Boosted Regression Tree (GBRT) and the MultiLayer Perceptron neural network (MLP) and applies them ... -
Monitoring strategies for local landslide early warning systems
Pecoraro, Gaetano; Calvello, Michele; Piciullo, Luca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The main aim of this study is the description and the analysis of the monitoring strategies implemented within local landslide early warning systems (Lo-LEWS) operational all around the world. Relevant information on 29 ... -
Preface: Landslide early warning systems: monitoring systems, rainfall thresholds, warning models, performance evaluation and risk perception
Segoni, Samuele; Piciullo, Luca; Gariano, Stefano Luigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Regional Analyses of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Initiation in Upper Gudbrandsdalen (South-Eastern Norway) Using TRIGRS Model
Schilirò, Luca; Cepeda Rivera, Jose Mauricio; Devoli, Graziella; Piciullo, Luca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In Norway, shallow landslides are generally triggered by intense rainfall and/or snowmelt events. However, the interaction of hydrometeorological processes (e.g., precipitation and snowmelt) acting at different time scales, ... -
Regional-scale spatiotemporal landslide probability assessment through machine learning and potential applications for operational warning systems: a case study in Kvam (Norway)
Nocentini, Nicola; Rosi, Ascanio; Piciullo, Luca; Liu, Zhongqiang; Segoni, Samuele; Fanti, Riccardo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Risk assessment of terrestrial transportation infrastructures exposed to extreme events
Eidsvig, Unni; Santamaría, Monica; Galvão, Neryvaldo; Tanasic, Nikola; Piciullo, Luca; Hajdin, Rade; Nadim, Farrokh; Sousa, Hélder S.; Matos, José (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)