Browsing Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Digital Archive by Author "Sandersen, Frode"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Activities of the Japanese-Norwegian collaboration of snow avalanche research during the winters 1990/1991 and 1991/1992. Final report
Bakkehøi, Steinar; Kristensen, Krister; Nishimur, Koichi; Norem, Harald; Sandersen, Frode (NGI-rapport;58120-29, Research report, 1993-03-05)The report gives a brief summary of the activities carried out by the Japanese - Norwegian collaboration on snow avalanche reasearch during the winters of 1990/1991 and 1991/1992. The research was mainly carried out in the ... -
Annual Report 2017 [SP 4 FoU Snøskred]
Issler, Dieter; Gauer, Peter; Gisnås, Kjersti; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Jaedicke, Christian; Sandersen, Frode (NGI-rapport;20170131-05-R, Research report, 2018-01-12)During the first year of the project period 2017–2019 of NGI's research project on snow avalanches, work was carried out in all five work packages (WP 1 – Ryggfonn and model development, WP 2 – Statistical tools, WP 3 – ... -
Annual Report 2018 [SP 4 FoU Snøskred]
Issler, Dieter; Gauer, Peter; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Jaedicke, Christian; Sandersen, Frode (NGI-rapport;20170131-11-R, Research report, 2018-12-21)In the second year of the present three-year project period, core and/or long-term activities were continued: -experiments at Ryggfonn and maintenance of the site, -infrasound monitoring along State Road 15 between Fonnbu ... -
Annual Report 2019 [SP4 FoU Snøskred]
Issler, Dieter; Gauer, Peter; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Jaedicke, Christian; Sandersen, Frode; Gisnås, Kjersti (NGI-rapport;20170131-17-R, Research report, 2020-05-28)NGI has conducted research on avalanches and related processes since 1973. This report gives a short insight in the work done in 2019. While experiments with artificial release of avalanches in the Ryggfonn experimental ... -
Observations of the dynamic structure of snow avalanches
Nishimura, K.; Maeno, N.; Kristensen, Krister; Sandersen, Frode; Norem, Harald; Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1993)During two winters, 1990–92, the dynamic structures of snow avalanches were studied in western Norway. Artificially released wet-snow avalanches ran down the avalanche chute and stopped in front of the retaining dam. Running ... -
On snow avalanche flow regimes: Inferences from observations and measurements.
Gauer, Peter; Issler, Dieter; Lied, Karstein; Kristensen, Krister; Sandersen, Frode (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)Mixed dry-snow avalanches are commonly thought to consist of a dense core and a dilute suspension layer, even though observations and measurements from Canada and Russia have long indicated the presence of an intermediate-density ... -
An overview of the need for avalanche protection measures in Iceland
Johannesson, Tomas; Lied, Karstein; Margreth, Stefan; Sandersen, Frode (Iceland. Ministry for the Environment;VI-R96004-UR03, Report, 1996)The present report is prepared by the Icelandic Meteorological Office for the Icelandic Ministry for thc Environment and Iocal authorities in towns threatened by avalanches.... -
Regional avalanche warning in Norway, a new concept for a large country
Jaedicke, Christian; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Sandersen, Frode; Brattlien, Kjetil; Solheim, Anders (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)Norway encompasses 324 000 km2 of land area of which ca. 7 % are mountainsides steeper than 30 degrees. The country extends approximately 1700 km from south to north and features extreme variations in normal precipitation ... -
Sikringstiltak mot snø- og sørpeskred
Hestnes, Erik; Sandersen, Frode (Byggforskserien - Planløsning;Sending 1, Chapter, 1995)Dette bladet behandler de vanligste tiltakene for å sikre bebyggelse mot snø- og sørpeskred. Hensikten med bladet er å gi en oversikt over mulige sikringsmetoder. Bladet gir ikke detaljerte data for prosjektering og ... -
Slushflow hazard control. A review of mitigative measures.
Hestnes, Erik; Sandersen, Frode (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)Slushflow hazard detection and control are based on both active and passive mitigative measures performed above and within the starting zones as well as along the path and in the runout zone. The main aim of preventive ... -
Snøskred trenger ikke komme som noen overraskelse
Sandersen, Frode (Journal article, 2000)Snøskred er kostbare hendelser, i form av tap av liv eller materielle skader. Mange steder i landet vårt er det topografiske og klimatiske forhold som gjør det naturlig at det oppstår skredfare. Faren kan normalt ikke ... -
Snøskredulykke i Tamokdalen 2019-01-02
Sandersen, Frode (Research report, 2019-05-29)Fire utenlandske skituristerutløste et snøskred på topptur i Tamokdalen. Alle de fire omkom. Notatet beskriver skredfaglige faktorer. -
Weather and snowpack conditions essential to slushflow release and downslope propagation
Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Sandersen, Frode (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 1994)Rapid mass movement of water-saturated snow, usually known as slushflow or slush avalanche, is a major natural hazard in Norway. Slushflows occur in winter during heavy rainfall, as well as due to intense thaw in spring. ... -
Årsrapport [FoU Snøskred 2012]
Sandersen, Frode; Jaedicke, Christian; Domaas, Ulrik; Gauer, Peter; Kronholm, Kalle (NGI-rapport;20120031-01-R, Research report, 2013-02-01)Rapporten beskriver aktivitetene som er gjennomført i 2012 innenfor FoU prosjektet ”Snøskred” finansiert gjennom NVE. Prosjektet er delt inn i 4 hovedområder: - Modellering - Varsling - Sikringstiltak, herunder ...