Now showing items 121-140 of 382

    • EU program CADZIE. Road traffic and avalanches - methods for risk evaluation and risk management 

      Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie (NGI-rapport;20001289-04, Research report, 2003-05-22)
      This report covers current methods that may be used to analyse and manage risks related to avalanches and road traffic. Avalanche types considered are primarily snow avalanches and rockslides.
    • EU programme CADZIE. New concepts in avalanche hazard mapping 

      Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie (NGI-rapport;20001018-02, Research report, 2003-06-16)
      The main goal of the CADZIE workpackage 1 is to improve the hazard assessment process by integrating uncertainty and to develop "best-fit" models. This goal can only be achieved if both the stochastic characteristics of ...
    • EU Programme SAME. A survey of computational models for snow avalanche motion 

      Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie (NGI-rapport;58122-01, Research report, 1998-12-11)
      Various models for computation of avalanche motion are presented, both empirical procedures including statistical and comparative models for runout distance computations as well as dynamics models describing the physics ...
    • EU Programme SAME. Draft proposal for a co-ordinated European full-scale avalanche experiment 

      Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie (NGI-rapport;58122-02, Research report, 1998-12-11)
      The scope of this proposal is to describe the conclusions made in the EU programme SAME (Avalanche Mapping, Model Validation and Warning Systems) for a future co-ordinated European full-scale avalanche experiment. It is ...
    • Evaluation of probabilistic snow avalanche simulation ensembles with Doppler radar observations 

      Fischer, Jan-Thomas; Fromm, Reinhard; Gauer, Peter; Sovilla, Betty (Journal article, 2013)
      In recent years snow avalanche simulation software, which is based on depth-averaged models operating in three-dimensional terrain, has gained importance. Simulations are used to plan protection measures. The software ...
    • Evalueringsrapport etter første testsesong 

      Kvistedal, Yme Asgeir (NGI-rapport;20140081-02-R, Research report, 2016-10-14)
      NGI har utviklet et nytt system for automatisk skredvarsling ved vei, basert på geofoner og trådløse sensornettverk. Dette systemet ble første gang testet vinteren 2015/2016 i Sandneslia, ved FV472 i Gildeskål kommune.I ...
    • Experiments with remote sensing in the context of avalanche warning and detection 

      Solberg, Rune; Frauenfelder, Regula; Larsen, Siri Øyen; Salberg, Arnt-Børre (Chapter, 2012)
      Two Norwegian projects carried out by NGI and NR have investigated and experimented with the potential of using remote sensing for avalanche warning and detection: The Norwegian Space Centre (NSC) supported project “Improved ...
    • Exploring the significance of the fluidized flow regime for avalanche hazard mapping. 

      Issler, Dieter; Gauer, Peter (Journal article, 2008)
      Observational and experimental evidence suggests that it is important to explicitly account for the fluidized flow regime in avalanche hazard mapping due to its high mobility, intermediate density and high velocity. We ...
    • The eye in the sky: Avalanche mapping from space 

      Frauenfelder, Regula; Glassett, Timothy D.; Jaedicke, Christian; Vöge, Malte; Robiati, Carlo (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2016)
      The Seward Highway in Alaska has over one hundred avalanche paths spread out along a 150 km major transportation corridor, which traverses three different avalanche climatic regimes. This coupled with a small staff can ...
    • faSavageHutterFOAM 1.0: depth-integrated simulation of dense snow avalanches on natural terrain with OpenFOAM 

      Rauter, Matthias; Kofler, Andreas; Huber, Andreas; Fellin, Wolfgang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Numerical models for dense snow avalanches have become central to hazard zone mapping and mitigation. Several commercial and free applications, which are used on a regular basis, implement such models. In this study we ...
    • Feltarbeid snøradar 

      Anschütz, Helgard (NGI-rapport;20180070-01-TN, Research report, 2018-11-13)
      GBV-prosjektet 20180070 "snøegenskaper fra dronebaserte radarmålinger" er et delmål å innhente feltdata med GPR, både fra bakken og i luft. Radardata skal gi informasjon om snødybde, lagdeling i snø og snøegenskaper. Det ...
    • Field measurements of sintering after fracture of snowpack weak layers 

      Birkeland, Karl W.; Kronholm, Kalle; Logan, Spencer; Schweizer, Jürg (Journal article, 2006)
      This research documents two cases where field workers unintentionally fractured a snowpack weak layer, but no avalanche released. Measurements from before and after the fractures provide unique data sets on the temporal ...
    • Field Survey of the 2017 Rigopiano Avalanche 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20170131-02-TN, Research report, 2019-12-26)
      In the evening of January 18, 2017, a large snow avalanche descended from the east flank of Monte Siella in the municipality of Farindola in the Abruzzo region of Italy. It completely destroyed the Hotel Rigopiano and ...
    • Finite element modeling of snow-pack lying on a slope, considering snow as isotropic compressible viscoplastic media 

      Mishra, Aloke; Mahajan, Puneet (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      A simple extension of the von Mises plasticity is proposed in which the equivalent stress is defined as a function of deviatoric and hydrostatic stresses. Non-linearity is accounted by extending NortonHoff equation for ...
    • Five decades of warming: impacts on snow cover in Norway 

      Rizzi, Jonathan; Nilsen, Irene Brox; Stagge, James Howard; Gisnås, Kjersti; Tallaksen, Lena M. (Journal article, 2018)
      Northern latitudes are experiencing faster warming than other regions in the world, which is partly explained by the snow albedo feedback. In Norway, mean temperatures have been increasing since the 1990s, with 2014 being ...
    • Fonnbu, a new (old) platform for snow and avalanche research. 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kristensen, Krister; Lied, Karstein; Bakkehøi, Steinar (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)
      One of the first tasks of the newly established avalanche group at the NGI in 1973 was the selection of a suitable location for an avalanche research station. The choice was on Grasdalen, north of the Jotunheimen mountains, ...
    • Forcasting snow avalanche days from meteorological data using classification trees; Grasdalen, Western Norway 

      Kronholm, Kalle; Vikhamar-Schuler, Dagrun; Jaedicke, Christian; Isaksen, Ketil; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Avalanches pose one of the most serious problems to infrastructure and people in the mountains in Norway. Processes leading to avalanche release are deterministic but the time and place of avalanche release is notoriously ...
    • Forecast of avalanche danger for the intracontinental regions of Northeast of Eurasia 

      Seliverstov, Yuri G.; Glazovskaya, Tatiana G. (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The research area includes the Kolyma riverhead with tributaries. For this territory the extreme continental climate with very frost winters is common. The duration of snow cover is 200-230 days. The domination of low ...
    • Forecasting snow avalanche days from meteorological data using classification trees, Grasdalen, Western Norway. 

      Kronholm, Kalle; Vikhamar-Schuler, Dagrun; Jaedicke, Christian; Isaksen, Ketil; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Avalanches pose one of the most serious problems to infrastructure and people in the mountains in Norway. Processes leading to avalanche release are deterministic but the time and place of avalanche release is notoriously ...
    • Forecasting the fatal Longyearbyen avalanche. Possibilities and challenges 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Mørk, Torgeir; Brattlien, Kjetil (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2016)
      One of the main questions after the fatal avalanche in Longyearbyen in December 2015, where two persons perished and eleven houses were destroyed, was whether an active avalanche warning system would have identified the ...