• Maximum frontal speeds, alpha angles and deposit volumes of flowing snow avalanches 

      McClung, D.M.; Gauer, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Approximate maximum frontal speeds from 89 snow avalanches were analyzed to yield probabilistic estimates of maximum speed scaled with path length parameters. In addition to speeds, 88 companion values of runout for the ...
    • Måling av krefter på skredoverbygg 

      McClung, David Michael; Lied, Karstein (NGI-rapport;75413 Notat 1975-09-01, Research report, 1975-09-01)
      Design loads on avalanche galleries are of great importance to know and unfortunately they can be extremely variable depending on conditions. In addition, values are difficult to determine and results of present experimental ...
    • Measurement of avalanche speeds and forces: instrumentation and preliminary results of the Ryggfonn project. 

      Norem, Harald; Kvisterøy, Terje; Evensen, B. D. (Journal article, 1985)
      The Ryggfonn project is a Full scale experiment carried out to investigate the impact of avalanches on structures and the effects of a retaining dam in the avalanche path. The vertical drop of the avalanche path is 910 m ...
    • The meteorological condition for larger avalanches at Senjojiki Bowl in Japanese Central Alps 

      Nitta, Ryuzo; Harada, Yusuke (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The Senjojiki Bowl has a typical avalanche terrain consisting of8 avalanche tracks. During the last 25 years 16 alpinists and ropeway workers in total have been killed by avalanches. Since no reliable avalanche warning is ...
    • A model for frictional melt production beneath large rock avalanches 

      De Blasio, Fabio Vittorio; Elverhøi, Anders (Journal article, 2008)
      Two puzzling traits of giant rock avalanches (sturzstroms) are the decrease of the effective friction coefficient as a function of the volume (volume effect) and the remarkable preservation of large geological structures ...
    • Models for powder snow avalanches : comparison of two approaches 

      Eglit, Margarita E.; Revol, Philippe (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      Two models are considered in this paper: one was proposed in Kulikovskiy and Sveshnikova (1977) and is referred here as KS-model, the second was described in Beghin and Brugnot (1983), and is referred here as BB-mode!. ...
    • Monitoring snow avalanches in Grasdalen using an infrasound array 

      Gilbert, Graham; Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;20170131-18-TN, Research report, 2020-06-26)
      The absence of near real-time information about the avalanche activity is a significant challenge for local avalanche forecasting (Schweizer and van Herwijnen 2013). Information about avalanche activity in neighboring paths ...
    • NAKSIN 4 - dokumentasjon 

      Gisnås, Kjersti; Issler, Dieter; Domaas, Ulrik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kjetil (NGI-Rapport;20150457-02-R, Research report, 2023-05-15)
      NGI har på oppdrag av NVE utviklet en metodikk for å beregne Nye AktsomhetsKart for Snøskred I Norge (NAKSIN). Bakgrunnen var at eksisterende aktsomhetskart fra 2010 var for konservative i mange områder da de ikke tar ...
    • A new concept for avalanche warning in Switzerland 

      Stucki, Thomas; Ammann, Walter; Meister, Roland; Brabec, Bernhard (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      During the past 60 years the Swiss Federal Institut for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), which is in charge of the avalanche warning in Switzerland issued national avalanche bulletins three to four times a week at around ...
    • Norge - et overraskende snøskred-land 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kronholm, Kalle (Journal article, 2008)
      Det er ikke helt passende å påstå at vestlendinger, nordlendinger og finnmarkinger er forskjellige av natur. Men snøskredene i de tre regionene er åpenbart forskjellige: Skred utløses ofte av nedbør på Vestlandet, av ...
    • Norsk-islandsk samarbeid om snøskred 

      Nordal, Anne Grete (Journal article, 1996)
      Bade Norge og Island har boligområder som er svært skredutsatt om vinteren. Noen ganger får skredene katastrofale følger. I januar 1995 gikk det et stort snøskred pa tettstedet Sudavik på Island. 15 mennesker omkom. I ...
    • The Norwegian avalanche test site - Ryggfonn 

      Kleemayr, Karl; Kristensen, Krister; Mayerl, Markus; Pürstinger, Christian; Walter, Gerhard (Journal article, 2007)
      In 1981, NGI established the full scale avalanche test site at Ryggfonn. Since then the site has been fitted with an increasing number of sensors and instruments.
    • Norwegian demands on avalanche safety - legislation, quality policy and judicial practice 

      Hestnes, Erik (Lecture, 1991)
      The Building and Planning Act and the Working Environment Act both have demands concerning avalanche safety. The legal demands concerning avalanche safety were first established in the Building Act of 1924. The act was put ...
    • Notes on the Fluidization of Snow Avalanches by Air Expulsion from the Snow Cover 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20140053-03-TN, Research report, 2017-02-03)
      A recently proposed mechanism for fluidization of the front of dry-snow avalanches, based on air escaping from the snow cover that is compressed under the weight of the avalanche (Issler, 2013) is discussed.
    • Numerical modeling of a slushflow event 

      Gauer, Peter (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2004)
      Slushflows—flowing mixtures of snow and water—constitute a natural hazard especially in higher latitudes, i.e., Norway, Iceland, or Alaska. The combination of high densities and high mobility can make them to a highly ...
    • Numerical modeling of blowing and drifting snow in Alpine terrain. 

      Gauer, Peter (Journal article, 2001)
      In mountainous regions, snow transport due to wind significantly influences snow distribution and, as a result, avalanche danger. A physically based numerical two-Iayer model is developed to simulate blowing and drifting ...
    • Numerical runout simulation of debris avalanches in the Faroe Islands, North Atlantic Ocean 

      Dahl, Mads-Peter J; Gauer, Peter; Kalsnes, Bjørn; Mortensen, Lis E.; Jensen, Niels H.; Veihe, Anita (Journal article, 2012-08-31)
      The Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean are susceptible to flow-type landslides in coarse-grained highly organic colluvium. Following several hazardous debris avalanche events, research work has been initiated to ...
    • NVE Grasdalen snøforskning. Resultater av målinger på mast. Vinterene 1979 til 1986 

      Hansen, Svein Borg (NGI-rapport;58110-04, Research report, 1987-05-04)
      Denne rapporten inneholder en kort beskrivelse av instrumenteringen på masten, de malte stålspenningene gjennom vinterene 1979 til 1986, de utregnede aksiallastene og bøyemomentene, samt en kort vurdering av resultatene.
    • NVE Grasdalen snøforskning. Resultater av målinger på rør (0.42m dia). Vinterene 1979 til 1986 

      Hansen, Svein Borg; Olsen, Tor Stein (Research report, 1987-07-01)
      Denne rapporten inneholder en kort beskrivelse av instrumenteringen på Røret, de malte stålspenningene gjennom vinterne 1979 til 1986, de Utregnede aksiallastene og bøyemomentene, samt en kort vurdering av resultatene.
    • Nye boligområder ofte skredutsatt: Fareområder må registreres før planer fastlegges 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1981)
      I mange av våre bratte fjellsider, særlig på Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge er skred en reell fare. Ny bebyggelse blir ofte plassert i mer skredutsatte strøk. Dette ble bl.a. konstatert skredvinteren 1978/79. Bygningsloven ...