Now showing items 121-140 of 1234

    • DUE avalRS: Remote-Sensing Derived Avalanche Inventory Data for Decision Support and Hind-Cast after Avalanche Events 

      Frauenfelder, Regula; Kronholm, Kalle; Solberg, Rune; Larsen, Siri Øyen; Salberg, Arnt-Børre; Larsen, Jan Otto; Bjordal, Heidi (Chapter, 2010)
      Each year, snow avalanches hit populated areas and parts of the transport network in the Norwegian mountain regions, leading to loss of lives and the damaging of buildings and infrastructure. We present the results of a ...
    • Nye boligområder ofte skredutsatt: Fareområder må registreres før planer fastlegges 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1981)
      I mange av våre bratte fjellsider, særlig på Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge er skred en reell fare. Ny bebyggelse blir ofte plassert i mer skredutsatte strøk. Dette ble bl.a. konstatert skredvinteren 1978/79. Bygningsloven ...
    • Impact of rapid mass movement and drifting snow on the infrastructure and development of Longyearbyen, Svalbard 

      Hestnes, Erik (Lecture, 2000)
      The thermal regime and hydrological conditions in arctic regions are a threat and a challenge to human activity. In the Longyearbyen area, Svalbard, snow avalanches, slushflows, debris flows , creep and drifting snow ...
    • Kartlegging av snøskred- og steinsprangfare ved hjelp av EDB-baserte metoder 

      Toppe, Ronald; Lied, Karstein (Chapter, 1984)
      For å unngå at boligfelt planlegges i skredfarlig tcrreng er det satt igang kartlegging av områder utsatt for snøskred-og steinsprangfare i Norge. Kartleggingen er basert på topografiske kart og i målestokk l: 15 000. Disse ...
    • Norge - et overraskende snøskred-land 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kronholm, Kalle (Journal article, 2008)
      Det er ikke helt passende å påstå at vestlendinger, nordlendinger og finnmarkinger er forskjellige av natur. Men snøskredene i de tre regionene er åpenbart forskjellige: Skred utløses ofte av nedbør på Vestlandet, av ...
    • Prøvevoll mot snøskred bygget i Stryn 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1982)
      NGI har bygget en fangvoll mot snøskred i Grasdalen nær skredforskningsstasjonen på Strynefjellet. Hensikten er å undersøke hvilken effekt slike konstruksjoner har som snøskredsikring og spesielt dimensjoneringen av høyden ...
    • An overview of the need for avalanche protection measures in Iceland 

      Johannesson, Tomas; Lied, Karstein; Margreth, Stefan; Sandersen, Frode (Iceland. Ministry for the Environment;VI-R96004-UR03, Report, 1996)
      The present report is prepared by the Icelandic Meteorological Office for the Icelandic Ministry for thc Environment and Iocal authorities in towns threatened by avalanches....
    • Influence of initial microcracks on the dynamic mechanical characteristics of sandstone 

      Li, Shaohua; Liu, Kai; Griffiths, Luke; Chen, Chongfeng; Yao, Xiaohu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Dam Tunsbergdalsvatn. A dam subjected to waves generated by avalanches, and to extreme floods from a glacier lake 

      Lied, Karstein; Palmström, A.; Schieldrop, B.; Torblaa, I. (Chapter, 1976)
      The construction of Leirdøla power plant was started in 1975 and will be completed in 1978. The owner is the Norwegian Water Resources and Electricity Board. The power plant is situated in Western Norway, close to ...
    • Hvor forekommer snøskred og hvilken rekkevidde har skredene i dalbunnene? 

      Lied, Karstein (Chapter, 1979)
      Snøskred kan forekomme i nær sagt alle typer terreng, fordi snø og værforholdene i løpet av et langt tidsrum i vårt klimaområde kan bli så ekstreme og snødekket så labilt samrnensatt at snøskred kan utløses safremt terrenget ...
    • Avalanche control measures for roads in Norway 

      Larsen, Jan Otto (Chapter, 1994)
      In a mountainous country like Norway the roads are exposed to different kind of natural hazards. Increasing traffic and extensive road-building programs the latest 25 years have made the society dependent on a relatively ...
    • The design of avalanche protection dams. Recent practical and theoretical developments 

      Johannesson, Tomas; Gauer, Peter; Lied, Karstein; Barbolini, Massimiliano; Domaas, Ulrik; Faug, Thierry; Hakonardottir, Kristin Martha; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Issler, Dieter; Naaim, Florence; Naaim, Mohamed; Rammer, Lambert (Lecture, 2008)
      Recent experimental and theoretical studies of the flow of avalanches against obstructions have been used, in combination with traditional design guidelines, to formulate recommendations for the design of dams and other ...
    • Comparing topographical and dynamical runout models by ideas of nearest neighbour method 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar; Norem, Harald (Journal article, 1999)
      Different avalanche runout models are used to compare the calculated results against observations of 230 real avalanches in Norway. The parameters used in the models are investigated and optimized to get the best fit to ...
    • Sørpeskred - like destruktive som snøskred, men lite kjent 

      Hestnes, Erik (Chapter, 1999)
      Sørpeskred - hurtigflytende masser av snø og vann - forårsaker hvert år store skader i Norge. En oversikt over Norges Geotekniske Institutt sin kunnskap om sørpekred, tilegnet gjennom 25 år med forskning og konsulentarbeid, ...
    • Design of snow avalanche deflecting dams 

      Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Domaas, Ulrik; Engen, Arne (Chapter, 2000)
      Extensive effort has been put into improved understanding of avalanche deflection over the last two years. This paper discusses construction of deflecting dams in steep terrain, and gives an in-depth description of the ...
    • Sikringsmetoder mot snøskred 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (Chapter, 1979)
      I store deler av landet vårt har vi omrader vi ønsker å utbygge, men hvor det samtidig er mulighet for snøskred. I de fIeste tilfellene der man er klar over snøskredfaren, unnlater man a føre opp bygninger. Der det allerede ...
    • An avalanche index for roads 

      Jonsson, Arni; Kristensen, Krister (Chapter, 2008)
      Several methods have been introduced through the years to evaluate avalanche risk along road sections. In 1988, Peter Schaerer introduced Avalanche Hazard Index, a numerical expression of damage and loss as the result of ...
    • The effect of dam constructions as mitigative measures: 14 years of experience from a full-scale project 

      Larsen, Jan Otto; Norem, Harald (Lecture, 1996)
      The Ryggfonn project is a full-scale project for determination of avalanche behavior. Measurements of velocities, impact pressures and observations of flow patterns around a 15 m high and 75 m long earthfill dam, have been ...
    • The snowdrift pattern around a small hill in the High Arctic 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Thiis, Thomas K.; Bang, Børre (Chapter, 2000)
      The snow distribution in complex terrain is important for the planning of infrastructure, so that large snow depths can be avoided in residential areas and in connection with roads and railroads. Numerical models can give ...
    • Design criteria and location of snow fences 

      Norem, Harald (Journal article, 1985)
      The paper describes experience gained in Norway regarding the design criteria and use in practice of snow fences . The paper is based on theoretical studies on drifting snow, model experiments and experience accumulated ...