Viser treff 181-200 av 1234

    • Inferences on flow mechanisms from snow avalanche deposits 

      Issler, Dieter; Errera, Alessia; Priano, Stefano; Gubler, Hansueli; Teufen, Bernardo; Krummenacher, Bernhard (Journal article, 2008)
      The deposit structure of 20 very small to large avalanches that occurred in the Davos area, eastern Swiss Alps, during winters 2004/05 and 2005/06 was investigated. Snow-cover entrainment was significant in the majority ...
    • Probabilistic calibration of avalanche block models. 

      Gauer, Peter; Medina-Cetina, Zenon; Lied, Karstein; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)
      The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) has been operating the full-scale avalanche test-site Ryggfonn in western Norway for more than 25 years. During those years, measurements from about three dozen dry-snow avalanches ...
    • Observations of the dynamic structure of snow avalanches 

      Nishimura, K.; Maeno, N.; Kristensen, Krister; Sandersen, Frode; Norem, Harald; Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1993)
      During two winters, 1990–92, the dynamic structures of snow avalanches were studied in western Norway. Artificially released wet-snow avalanches ran down the avalanche chute and stopped in front of the retaining dam. Running ...
    • Pelefundamentering av kraftmaster og snøskredforbygninger i skrått terreng - Sluttrapport 

      Lied, Karstein (Research report, 1993-02-03)
      Prosjektet har gått ut på å undersøke muligheten av bruk av peler for å fundamentere snøskredforbygninger, kraftmaster oglignende konstruksjoner på løsmasser i bratt terreng. Siktemålet har først og fremst vært å gjennomføre ...
    • Empirical Calculations of Snow–Avalanche Run–out Distance Based on Topographic Parameters 

      Lied, Karstein; Bakkehøi, Steinar (Journal article, 1980)
      A method for calculation of “maximum” avalanche run–out distance based on topographic parameters only is described. 423 well–known avalanches have had their maximum extent registered. The average gradient of avalanche path ...
    • Direct Simple Shear Tests on Snow and their Relation to Slab Avalanche Formation 

      McClung, David (Journal article, 1977)
      Many slab avalanches can be attributed to shear failure in a weak, thin basal layer at the slab base. A reasonable starting point for evaluation of the conditions prior to fracture is, therefore, an investigation of shear ...
    • Wind-tunnel study of snowdrift around avalanche defence structures 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Naaim-Bouvet, Florence; Granig, Matthias (Journal article, 2004)
      Avalanche defence structures such as retarding dams and breaking mounds are widely used to protect residential areas and other kinds of infrastructure. The effect of the defence structures depends largely on their effective ...
    • Interplay of entrainment and rheology in snow avalanches: a numerical study 

      Issler, Dieter; Pérez, Manuel Pastor (Journal article, 2011)
      A one-dimensional evolution equation for the slope-normal velocity profile of a streamwise uniform avalanche over an entrainable bed is derived. The boundary conditions are no slip at the bed, a stress-free surface and ...
    • Skredsøk ved bruk av magnetometer 

      Iwe, Harald (Research report, 2003)
      En innledende teoretisk analyse viser at den beste metoden for å detektere begravde ferromagnetiske gjenstander er ved å bruke to magnetometre montert i en fast avstand og å bruke forskjellen i måleverdi (gradienten) som ...
    • The influence of drifting snow on the location of glaciers on western Spitsbergen, Svalbard 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Gauer, Peter (Journal article, 2005)
      On western Spitsbergen, Svalbard, the amount of winter precipitation is insufficient to maintain the present-day mass balance of the local glaciers. Additional snow mass must be added to the precipitation to reach the ...
    • Could retrieval of snow layer formation by optical satellite remote sensing help avalanche forecasting? Presentation of first results. 

      Solberg, Rune; Frauenfelder, Regula; Koren, Hans; Kronholm, Kalle (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2009)
      Of special interest within the field of avalanche research and avalanche warning are properties related to snow grain type and snow grain size at the surface. In continental and intermountain avalanche climates weak layers ...
    • Snow-creep pressure on masts 

      Larsen, Jan Otto; Laugesen, Jens; Kristensen, Krister (Journal article, 1989)
      Snow-pressure measurements have been carried out on two masts at the NGI avalanche station in Grasdalen, western Norway. These two tubular masts have diameters of 0.22 and 0.42 m, respectively, and are situated on a 25° ...
    • Snow Avalanches 

      Lied, Karstein (Chapter, 2004)
      Snow avalanches represent a threat to societies in many countries of the world. In America, Asia, Australia, and Europe, several mountainous countries are affected by this type of natural hazard. People, housing areas, ...
    • Snow Pressure on Rigid Obstacles 

      McClung, David (Journal article, 1976)
      In this paper a continuum mechanical formulation of snow pressure is given. The snow pressure against retaining structures on slopes is considered in two separate parts: (1) the static component due to the regression of ...
    • Effects of curvature in avalanche deflecting dams 

      Moe, Arne; Irgens, Fridtjov; Domaas, Ulrik; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie (Chapter, 2005)
      Avalanches and other types of slides represent significant danger to people and property in large parts of the world. Deflecting dams, i.e. dams that change the courses of avalanches to prevent impact upon houses or roads, ...
    • Økt skredfare kan avverges 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Isaksen, Ketil; Sletten, Kari; Kronholm, Kalle (Klima;1-2009, Chapter, 2009)
      Klimaendringer gir villere vær, mer nedbør og flere skredhendelser i deler av Norge. Men dette trenger ikke føre til flere dødsfall og økte materielle skader, hvis vi bruker sunn fornuft og følger bygningsloven.
    • Snøskred trenger ikke komme som noen overraskelse 

      Sandersen, Frode (Journal article, 2000)
      Snøskred er kostbare hendelser, i form av tap av liv eller materielle skader. Mange steder i landet vårt er det topografiske og klimatiske forhold som gjør det naturlig at det oppstår skredfare. Faren kan normalt ikke ...
    • Validity of the NTNU Prediction Model for D&B Tunnelling 

      Jakobsen, Pål Drevland; Grøv, Eivind; Bruland, Amund; Gjengedal, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • In-Situ Estimates of the Tensile Strength of Snow Utilizing Large Sample Sizes 

      McClung, David (Journal article, 1979)
      Experimental procedure and measured estimates of the tensile strength of snow are given by a new method utilizing large sample sizes of naturally deposited snow. Data are presented as a function of average sample density, ...
    • Global landslide and avalanche hotspots 

      Nadim, Farrokh; Kjekstad, Oddvar; Peduzzi, Pascal; Herold, Christian (Journal article, 2006-02-08)
      Allocating resources for natural hazard risk management has high priority in development banks and international agencies working in developing countries. Global hazard and risk maps for landslides and avalanches were ...