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Norges Geotekniske Institutt [1337]
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H1.1 Klimapåvirkning
(Research report, 2022-06-10)Dagens klima representerer en utfordring for veier i Norge, og klimaendringene vil ytterligere øke disse utfordringene. Spesielt vil økning i nedbør, både årsnedbør og hyppighet og intensitet av ekstremhendelser, ha en ... -
DV2.3b Stress-induced seismic anisotropy: a promising tool to assess reservoir proprieties and caprock integrity
(Research report, 2024-11-07)This deliverable assesses the potential of seismic anisotropy to measure stress within the CO2 storage complex, primarily the reservoir and overburden. Using onshore passive seismic and stress data for the UK, we test the ... -
(Research report, 2025-01-01)Rapporten inngår i prosjektet “Klimatilpasning og veitransport – KlimaVei”. Målet med prosjektet har vært å utvikle metoder og verktøy for bedre ivareta klimarisiko i vegsektoren, og bidra til at disse blir tatt i bruk ... -
DV1.2 Lithology Assessment & Constitutive Model
(NGI-rapport;20210518-D1-2, Research report, 2022-09-12)This report focuses on assessments of lithological impact to present day in-situ stress state and integrating observations into constitutive models for application in subsequent tasks (WP1.3 and 1.4). This work is closely ... -
DV5.5 Methodology for quantitative modelling of CO2 storage containment risks
(NGI-rapport;20210518-D5-5, Research report, 2024-06)A report summarising North Sea ground motion model development, near surface attenuation, and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis conducted within WP5 (Risk Quantification) of the SHARP project.