• NAKSIN 4 - dokumentasjon 

      Gisnås, Kjersti; Issler, Dieter; Domaas, Ulrik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kjetil (NGI-Rapport;20150457-02-R, Research report, 2023-05-15)
      NGI har på oppdrag av NVE utviklet en metodikk for å beregne Nye AktsomhetsKart for Snøskred I Norge (NAKSIN). Bakgrunnen var at eksisterende aktsomhetskart fra 2010 var for konservative i mange områder da de ikke tar ...
    • Nanoscale mechanical properties of organic-rich Draupne caprock shale using nano-indentation method, offshore Norway 

      Rahman, Md Jamilur; Lebedev, Maxim; Mondol, Nazmul Haque (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • National database for mitigative measures against rapid gravity mass flows and rock falls 

      Jónsson, Árni; Syre, Egil; Ekseth, Kristine Helene Hetland; Smebye, Helge; Paulsen, Eivind Magnus (Lecture, 2012)
      Mitigation measures against natural catastrophes, such as rapid gravity mass flows and rock falls, have been built in Norway for centuries. Over the last few decades the number of new constructions has been increasing due ...
    • Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction: a state-of-the-art review of the research area 

      Ruangpan, Laddaporn; Vojinovic, Zoran; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Leo, Laura Sandra; Capobianco, Vittoria; Oen, Amy M P; McClain, Michael E.; Lopez-Gunn, Elena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Hydro-meteorological risks due to natural hazards such as severe floods, storm surges, landslides and droughts are causing impacts on different sectors of society. Such risks are expected to become worse given projected ...
    • NE Atlantic continental slope stability from a numerical modeling perspective 

      Bellwald, Benjamin; Urlaub, Morelia; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline Blihovde; Sejrup, Hans Petter; Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Forsberg, Carl Fredrik; Vanneste, Maarten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Trough mouth fans are environments characterized by high sediment supply during glacial stages and the occurrence of large-scale instabilities. The geological record indicates that several of these environments have failed ...
    • A new concept for avalanche warning in Switzerland 

      Stucki, Thomas; Ammann, Walter; Meister, Roland; Brabec, Bernhard (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      During the past 60 years the Swiss Federal Institut for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), which is in charge of the avalanche warning in Switzerland issued national avalanche bulletins three to four times a week at around ...
    • New CPT methods for evaluation of the axial capacity of driven piles 

      Lehane, B.M.; Bittar, E.; Lacasse, Suzanne; Liu, Zhongqiang; Nadim, Farrokh (Chapter, 2022)
      High costs associated with offshore foundation installations have provided strong impetus to the offshore energy sector in the search for more reliable design methods. This paper provides a summary of an Industry sponsored ...
    • New development of sprayed concrete with improved waterproofing, durability and sustainability performance 

      Holter, Karl Gunnar; Martius-Hammer, Tor Arne; Trussell, Nicholas Henry (Chapter, 2023)
    • NGI Publication 209 

      Aas, Gunnar; Lacasse, Suzanne (NGI Publication;209, Others, 2022)
    • Nonlinear soil-pile interaction for offshore wind turbines 

      Markou, Athanasios; Kaynia, Amir M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The current work presents a parametric study, which involves different generalized nonlinear mechanical formulations with different damping characteristics to account for the interaction between a monopile‐supported offshore ...
    • Norge - et overraskende snøskred-land 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kronholm, Kalle (Journal article, 2008)
      Det er ikke helt passende å påstå at vestlendinger, nordlendinger og finnmarkinger er forskjellige av natur. Men snøskredene i de tre regionene er åpenbart forskjellige: Skred utløses ofte av nedbør på Vestlandet, av ...
    • Norsk-islandsk samarbeid om snøskred 

      Nordal, Anne Grete (Journal article, 1996)
      Bade Norge og Island har boligområder som er svært skredutsatt om vinteren. Noen ganger får skredene katastrofale følger. I januar 1995 gikk det et stort snøskred pa tettstedet Sudavik på Island. 15 mennesker omkom. I ...
    • Norway's National GeoTest Site Research Infrastructure (NGTS) 

      L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Lunne, Tom; Lacasse, Suzanne; Carroll, Roselyn; Strandvik, Stein Oddvar; Instanes, Arne; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Degago, Samson Abate; Nordal, Steinar (Chapter, 2017)
    • The Norwegian avalanche test site - Ryggfonn 

      Kleemayr, Karl; Kristensen, Krister; Mayerl, Markus; Pürstinger, Christian; Walter, Gerhard (Journal article, 2007)
      In 1981, NGI established the full scale avalanche test site at Ryggfonn. Since then the site has been fitted with an increasing number of sensors and instruments.
    • Norwegian demands on avalanche safety - legislation, quality policy and judicial practice 

      Hestnes, Erik (Lecture, 1991)
      The Building and Planning Act and the Working Environment Act both have demands concerning avalanche safety. The legal demands concerning avalanche safety were first established in the Building Act of 1924. The act was put ...
    • Not extinct yet: innovations in frequency domain HEM triggered by sea ice studies 

      Pfaffhuber, Andreas Aspmo; Hendricks, Stefan (Journal article, 2015)
      The last 15 years have brought major innovations in helicopter towed time domain electromagnetics (EM), while few further developments have been made within the classic frequency domain segment. Operational use of frequency ...
    • Notes on the Fluidization of Snow Avalanches by Air Expulsion from the Snow Cover 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20140053-03-TN, Research report, 2017-02-03)
      A recently proposed mechanism for fluidization of the front of dry-snow avalanches, based on air escaping from the snow cover that is compressed under the weight of the avalanche (Issler, 2013) is discussed.
    • Numerical hydrogeological modelling of drainage to an excavation 

      Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Kahlström, Mats; Langford, Jenny; Tuttle, Kevin (NGI-rapport;20170774-D3.3, Research report, 2021-12)
      The report regards the conceptual and numerical modelling of drainage scenarios to a planned excavation in a deep clay deposit in Oslo, Norway. The modelling was performed in SEEP/W 2D. Ground investigations indicate that ...
    • Numerical model for dynamic installation of large diameter monopiles 

      Kaynia, Amir M.; Hebig, Jan; Pein, Taisiya; Shin, Yunsup (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Numerical modeling of a slushflow event 

      Gauer, Peter (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2004)
      Slushflows—flowing mixtures of snow and water—constitute a natural hazard especially in higher latitudes, i.e., Norway, Iceland, or Alaska. The combination of high densities and high mobility can make them to a highly ...