• A Benchmark Case Study for Seismic Event Relative Location 

      Gibbons, Steven John; Kværna, Tormod; Tiira, Timo; Kozlovskaya, Elena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      “Precision seismology” encompasses a set of methods which use differential measurements of time-delays to estimate the relative locations of earthquakes and explosions. Delay-times estimated from signal correlations often ...
    • A multiproxy approach to understanding the impact of the Storegga tsunami upon Mesolithic hunter-fisher-gatherers across different regions of western Norway 

      Walker, James William Paddison; Nyland, Astrid Johanne; Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Kilhavn, Håvard Parathan; Gibbons, Steven John; Glimsdal, Sylfest (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days 

      Svennevig, Kristian; Hicks, Stephen P.; Forbriger, Thomas; Lecocq, Thomas; Widmer-Schnidrig, Rudolf; Mangeney, Anne; Hibert, Clément; Korsgaard, Niels J.; Lucas, Antoine; Satriano, Claudio; Anthony, Robert E.; Mordret, Aurélien; Schippkus, Sven; Rysgaard, Søren; Boone, Wieter; Gibbons, Steven John; Cook, Kristen L.; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Løvholt, Finn; Van Noten, Koen; Assink, Jelle D.; Marboeuf, Alexis; Lomax, Anthony; Vanneste, Krist; Taira, Taka’aki; Spagnolo, Matteo; De Plaen, Raphael S M; Koelemeijer, Paula; Ebeling, Carl; Cannata, Andrea; Harcourt, William David; Cornwell, David G.; Caudron, Corentin; Poli, Piero; Bernard, Pascal; Larose, Eric; Stutzmann, Eleonore; Voss, Peter H.; Lund, Bjorn; Cannavo, Flavio; Castro-Díaz, Manuel J.; Chaves, Esteban J.; Dahl-Jensen, Trine; Pinho Dias, Nicolas De; Déprez, Aline; Develter, Roeland; Dreger, Douglas; Evers, Läslo G.; Fernández-Nieto, Enrique D.; Ferreira, Ana M. G.; Funning, Gareth J.; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; Hendrickx, Marc E.; Kafka, Alan L.; Keiding, Marie; Kerby, Jeffrey; Khan, Shfaqat A.; Dideriksen, Andreas Kjær; Lamb, Oliver D.; Larsen, Tine B.; Lipovsky, Bradley; Magdalena, Ikha; Malet, Jean-Philippe; Myrup, Mikkel; Rivera, Luisa; Ruiz-Castillo, Eugenio; Wetter, Selina; Wirtz, Bastien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Climate change is increasingly predisposing polar regions to large landslides. Tsunamigenic landslides have occurred recently in Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat), but none have been reported from the eastern fjords. In September ...
    • A set of codes for numerical convection and geodynamo calculations 

      Gibbons, Steven John; Willis, Ashley P.; Davies, Chris; Gubbins, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • CTBT seismic monitoring using coherent and incoherent array processing 

      Kværna, Tormod; Gibbons, Steven John; Näsholm, Sven Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The detection and location capability of the International Monitoring System for small seismic events in the continental and oceanic regions surrounding the Sea of Japan is determined mainly by three primary seismic arrays: ...
    • Direction Estimates for Short‐Period P‐Waves on Three‐Component Stations and Arrays 

      Gibbons, Steven John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      P‐arrival backazimuth estimates can be crucial in locating poorly constrained seismic events. Correlating short windows of the vertical waveform with corresponding windows of the radial rotation for different backazimuths ...
    • Improved seismic monitoring with obs deployment in the arctic: A pilot study from offshore western svalbard 

      Jeddi, Zeinab; Ottemöller, Lars; Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Rezaei, Sara; Gibbons, Steven John; Strømme, Marte L.; Voss, Peter H.; Dahl-Jensen, Trine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Machine learning emulation of high resolution inundation maps 

      Storrøsten, Erlend Briseid; Ragu Ramalingam, Naveen; Lorito, Stefano; Volpe, Manuela; Sánchez-Linares, Carlos; Løvholt, Finn; Gibbons, Steven John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • Probabilistic tsunami forecasting for early warning 

      Selva, J.; Lorito, S.; Volpe, M.; Romano, F.; Tonini, R.; Perfetti, P.; Bernardi, F.; Taroni, M.; Scala, A.; Babeyko, A.; Løvholt, Finn; Gibbons, Steven John; Macías, J.; Castro, M.J.; González-Vida, J.M.; Sánchez-Linares, C.; Bayraktar, H.B.; Basili, R.; Maesano, F.E.; Tiberti, M.M.; Mele, F.; Piatanesi, A.; Amato, A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis: High Performance Computing for Massive Scale Inundation Simulations 

      Gibbons, Steven John; Lorito, S.; Macías, Jorge; Løvholt, Finn; Selva, J.; Volpe, M.; Sánchez-Linares, Carlos; Babeyko, A.; Brizuela, B.; Cirella, A.; Castro, Manuel J.; de la Asunción, Marc; Lanucara, Piero; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Lorenzino, Maria Concetta; Nazaria, Massimo; Pizzimenti, Luca; Romano, F.; Scala, Antonio; Tonini, R.; Manuel González Vida, José; Vöge, Malte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA) quantifies the probability of exceeding a specified inundation intensity at a given location within a given time interval. PTHA provides scientific guidance for tsunami risk ...
    • A set of codes for numerical convection and geodynamo calculations 

      Gibbons, Steven John; Willis, A.P.; Davies, C.; Gubbins, D. (Journal article, 2023)
      We present a set of codes for calculating and displaying solutions to diverse problems within thermal convection and magnetic field generation in rotating fluid-filled spheres and spherical shells. There are diverse programs ...
    • Testing Tsunami Inundation Maps for Evacuation Planning in Italy 

      Tonini, Roberto; Di Manna, Pio; Lorito, Stefano; Selva, Jacopo; Volpe, Manuela; Romano, Fabrizio; Basili, Roberto; Brizuela, Beatriz; Castro, Manuel J.; de la Asunción, Marc; Di Bucci, Daniela; Dolce, Mauro; Garcia, Alexander; Gibbons, Steven John; Glimsdal, Sylfest; González-Vida, José M.; Løvholt, Finn; Macías, Jorge; Piatanesi, Alessio; Pizzimenti, Luca; Sánchez-Linares, Carlos; Vittori, Eutizio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      nundation maps are a fundamental tool for coastal risk management and in particular for designing evacuation maps and evacuation planning. These in turn are a necessary component of the tsunami warning systems’ last-mile. ...
    • The 27 February 2022 Lop Nor Earthquake: Detectability, Location, and Discrimination 

      Gibbons, Steven John; Chaves, Esteban J.; Fisk, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • The EU Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE): Implementation, results, and roadmap for the second phase 

      Folch, Arnau; Abril, Claudia; Afanasiev, Michael; Amati, Giorgio; Bader, Michael; Badia, Rosa M.; Bayraktar, Hafize B.; Barsotti, Sara; Basili, Roberto; Bernardi, Fabrizio; Boehm, Christian; Brizuela, Beatriz; Brogi, Federico; Cabrera, Eduardo; Casarotti, Emanuele; Castro, Manuel J.; Cerminara, Matteo; Cirella, Antonella; Cheptsov, Alexey; Conejero, Javier; Costa, Antonio; de la Asunción, Marc; de la Puente, Josep; Djuric, Marco; Dorozhinskii, Ravil; Espinosa, Gabriela; Esposti-Ongaro, Tomaso; Farnós, Joan; Favretto-Cristini, Nathalie; Fichtner, Andreas; Fournier, Alexandre; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; Gallard, Jean-Matthieu; Gibbons, Steven John; Glimsdal, Sylfest; González-Vida, José Manuel; Gracia, Jose; Gregorio, Rose; Gutierrez, Natalia; Halldorsson, Benedikt; Hamitou, Okba; Houzeaux, Guillaume; Jaure, Stephan; Kessar, Mouloud; Krenz, Lukas; Krischer, Lion; Laforet, Soline; Lanucara, Piero; Li, Bo; Lorenzino, Maria Concetta; Lorito, Stefano; Løvholt, Finn; Macedonio, Giovanni; Macías, Jorge; Marín, Guillermo; Martínez Montesinos, Beatriz; Mingari, Leonardo; Moguilny, Geneviève; Montellier, Vadim; Monterrubio-Velasco, Marisol; Moulard, Georges Emmanuel; Nagaso, Masaru; Nazaria, Massimo; Niethammer, Christoph; Pardini, Federica; Pienkowska, Marta; Pizzimenti, Luca; Poiata, Natalia; Rannabauer, Leonhard; Rojas, Otilio; Rodriguez, Juan Esteban; Romano, Fabrizio; Rudyy, Oleksandr; Ruggiero, Vittorio; Samfass, Philipp; Sánchez-Linares, Carlos; Sanchez, Sabrina; Sandri, Laura; Scala, Antonio; Schaeffer, Nathanael; Schuchart, Joseph; Selva, Jacopo; Sergeant, Amadine; Stallone, Angela; Taroni, Matteo; Thrastarson, Soelvi; Titos, Manuel; Tonelllo, Nadia; Tonini, Roberto; Ulrich, Thomas; Vilotte, Jean-Pierre; Vöge, Malte; Volpe, Manuela; Aniko Wirp, Sara; Wössner, Uwe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • The Hydroacoustic Network of the CTBT International Monitoring System: Access and Exploitation 

      Gibbons, Steven John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • The Sensitivity of Tsunami Impact to Earthquake Source Parameters and Manning Friction in High-Resolution Inundation Simulations 

      Gibbons, Steven John; Lorito, Stefano; de la Asunción, Marc; Volpe, Manuela; Selva, Jacopo; Macías, Jorge; Sánchez-Linares, Carlos; Brizuela, Beatriz; Vöge, Malte; Tonini, Roberto; Lanucara, Piero; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Romano, Fabrizio; Meyer, Jan Christian; Løvholt, Finn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In seismically active regions with variable dominant focal mechanisms, there is considerable tsunami inundation height uncertainty. Basic earthquake source parameters such as dip, strike, and rake affect significantly the ...
    • Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure 

      Babeyko, Andrey; Lorito, Stefano; Hernandez, Francisco; Lauterjung, Jörn; Løvholt, Finn; Rudloff, Alexander; Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Androsov, Alexey; Aniel-Quiroga, Inigo; Armigliato, Alberto; Baptista, Maria Ana; Baglione, Enrico; Basili, Roberto; Behrens, Jörn; Brizuela, Beatriz; Bruni, Sergio; Cambaz, M. Didem; Cantavella-Nadal, Juan; Carrilho, Fernando; Chandler, Ian; Chang-Seng, Denis; Charalampakis, Marinos; Cugliari, Lorenzo; Denamiel, Clea; Dogan, Gözde Güney; Festa, Gaetano; Fuhrman, David; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; Galea, Pauline; Gibbons, Steven John; Gonzalez, Mauricio; Graziani, Laura; Gutscher, Marc-André; Harig, Sven; Hebert, Helen; Ionescu, Constantin; Jalayer, Fatemeh; Kalligeris, Nikos; Kânoğlu, Utku; Lanucara, Piero; Sánchez, Jorge Macías; Murphy, Shane; Necmioğlu, Öcal; Omira, Rachid; Papadopoulos, Gerassimos A.; Paris, Raphaël; Romano, Fabrizio; Rossetto, Tiziana; Selva, Jacopo; Scala, Antonio; Tonini, Roberto; Trevlopoulos, Konstantinos; Triantafyllou, Ioanna; Urgeles, Roger; Vallone, Roberto; Vilibić, Ivica; Volpe, Manuela; Yalciner, Ahmet C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Tracking aftershock sequences using empirical matched field processing 

      Kværna, Tormod; Harris, David B; Näsholm, Sven Peter; Köhler, Andreas; Gibbons, Steven John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Extensive aftershock sequences present a significant problem to seismological data centres attempting to produce near real-time comprehensive seismic event bulletins. An elevated number of events to process and poorer ...
    • Tracking aftershock sequences using empirical matched field processing 

      Kværna, Tormod; Harris, David B; Näsholm, Sven Peter; Köhler, Andreas; Gibbons, Steven John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Extensive aftershock sequences present a significant problem to seismological data centres attempting to produce near real-time comprehensive seismic event bulletins. An elevated number of events to process and poorer ...