Blar i Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Digital Archive på forfatter "Park, Joonsang"
2.5D Inversion and Joint Interpretation of CSEM Data at Sleipner CO2 Storage
Park, Joonsang; Sauvin, Guillaume; Vöge, Malte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)In this paper, we revisit the marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) data, acquired above the Sleipner CO2 storage, in order to further study the dataset and conclude the feasibility of marine CSEM for offshore ... -
A Study on the Lateral Load Capacity of a Novel Hybrid Monopile via a Centrifuge Model Test
Lee, Ju-Hyung; Kwak, Tae-Young; Jeong, Youn-Ju; Park, Joonsang; Kim, Jae-Hyun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
An Analytical Solution for Pressure-Induced Deformation of Anisotropic Multilayered Subsurface
Park, Joonsang; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Bohloli, Bahman (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Bayesian rock-physics inversion: Application to CO2 storage monitoring
Dupuy, Bastien; Romdhane, Mohamed Anouar; Nordmann, Pierre-Louis; Eliasson, Peder; Park, Joonsang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Capturing the coupled hydro-mechanical processes occurring during CO2 injection – example from In Salah
Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Mathias, Simon A.; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Park, Joonsang; Bohloli, Bahman (Journal article, 2014)At In Salah, CO2 is removed from the production stream of several natural gas fields and re-injected into a deep and relatively thin saline formation, in three different locations. The observed deformation on the surface ... -
Capturing the coupled hydro-mechanical processes occurring during CO2 injection – example from In Salah
Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Mathias, Simon A.; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Park, Joonsang; Bohloli, Bahman (Journal article, 2014)At In Salah, CO2 is removed from the production stream of several natural gas fields and re-injected into a deep and relatively thin saline formation, in three different locations. The observed deformation on the surface ... -
CCS Leakage Detection Technology - Industry Needs, Government Regulations, and Sensor Performance
Waarum, Ivar-Kristian; Blomberg, Ann Elisabeth Albright; Eek, Espen; Brown, Jock; Ulfsnes, Amund; Carpenter, Mike; Grimsrud, Torleiv S.; Park, Joonsang; Cornelissen, Gerard; Sparrevik, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Reliable CCS monitoring is vital in order to confirm that injected CO2 stays in the reservoir as intended, and that any occurring leakage is promptly detected allowing corrective actions to be initiated. Motivations for ... -
Combining CSEM or gravity inversion with seismic AVO inversion, with application to monitoring of large-scale CO2 injection
Tveit, Svenn; Mannseth, Trond; Park, Joonsang; Sauvin, Guillaume; Agersborg, Remy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A sequential inversion methodology for combining geophysical data types of different resolutions is developed and applied to monitoring of large-scale CO2 injection. The methodology is a two-step approach within the Bayesian ... -
Cooling-induced geomechanical response of North Sea reservoirs, and relevance for CO<inf>2</inf> storage monitoring
Grande, Lars; Griffiths, Luke; Park, Joonsang; Skurtveit, Elin; Thompson, Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
CSEM for CO2 Storage – Feasibility Study at Smeaheia to Optimise Acquisition
Gehrmann, Romina; Romdhane, Mohamed Anouar; Park, Joonsang; Eliasson, Peder (Chapter, 2021)In this work, we evaluate the use of controlled-source electromagnetics (CSEM) for CO2 monitoring at Smeaheia, a possible candidate for future phases of the Norwegian full-scale CCS project. CSEM is sensitive to electrically ... -
CSEM Sensitivity Study for Sleipner CO2-injection Monitoring
Park, Joonsang; Fawad, Manzar; Viken, Inge; Aker, Eyvind; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald (Journal article, 2013)The controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) method is a proven and promising geophysical technique in the hydrocarbon exploration area. Recently, there is increasing interest in applying it to CO2-injection monitoring in ... -
Digital Drill Core Models: Structure-from-Motion as a Tool for the Characterisation, Orientation, and Digital Archiving of Drill Core Samples
Betlem, Peter; Birchall, Thomas; Ogata, Kei; Park, Joonsang; Skurtveit, Elin; Senger, Kim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry enables the cost-effective digital characterisation of seismic- to sub-decimetre-scale geoscientific samples. The technique is commonly used for the characterisation of outcrops, ... -
Effect of brine-CO2 fracture flow on velocity and electrical resistivity of naturally fractured tight sandstones
Nooraiepour, Mohammad; Bohloli, Bahman; Park, Joonsang; Sauvin, Guillaume; Skurtveit, Elin; Mondol, Nazmul Haque (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Fracture networks inside geological CO2 storage reservoirs can serve as primary fluid flow conduit, particularly in low-permeability formations. While some experiments focused on the geophysical properties of brine- and ... -
Effect of track defects on vibration from high speed train
Kaynia, Amir M.; Park, Joonsang; Norén-Cosgriff, Karin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The response of railway tracks and trackside vibration are strongly governed by the quality of the track. Defects or non-homogeneities in the track/substructure/ground can remarkably increase the responses in the system, ... -
Experimental and Finite Element-Based Investigation on Lateral Behaviors of a Novel Hybrid Monopile
Kim, Jeongsoo; Jeong, Yeon-Ju; Park, Joonsang; Lee, Ju-Hyung; Kwak, Taeyoung; Kim, Jae-Hyun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Injection Pressure and Clay Smear on Fault Reactivation for Co2 Storage
Griffiths, Luke; Park, Joonsang; Cerasi, Pierre; Edvardsen, Laura; Wüstefeld, Andreas (Chapter, 2021) -
FE simulation of steady state wave motion in solids combined with a PML approach
Park, Joonsang; Kaynia, Amir M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This study presents a finite element (FE) framework for simulation of steady state wave motion, combined with a so-called PML approach. The steady state wave motion of current interest are not only time-harmonic load but ... -
Generalized Geertsma Solution for Isotropic Layered Medium
Park, Joonsang; Eiken, Ola; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Bohloli, Bahman (Chapter, 2021) -
Induced-seismicity geomechanics for controlled CO<inf>2</inf> storage in the North Sea (IGCCS)
Park, Joonsang; Griffiths, Luke; Dautriat, Jérémie; Grande, Lars; Vera Rodriguez, Ismael; Iranpour, Kamran; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Marin-Moreno, Héctor; Mondol, Nazmul Haque; Sauvin, Guillaume; Sarout, Joel; Soldal, Magnus; Oye, Volker; Dewhurst, David N.; Choi, Jung Chan; Best, Angus Ian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Inferring microseismic source mechanisms and in situ stresses during triaxial deformation of a North-Sea-analogue sandstone
Griffiths, Luke; Dautriat, Jérémie; Rodriguez, Ismael A Vera; Iranpour, Kamran; Sauvin, Guillaume; Park, Joonsang; Sarout, Joel; Soldal, Magnus; Grande, Lars; Oye, Volker; Dewhurst, David; Mondol, MD Nazmul Haque; Choi, Jung Chan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Monitoring microseismic activity provides a window through which to observe reservoir deformation during hydrocarbon and geothermal energy production, or CO2 injection and storage. Specifically, microseismic monitoring may ...