Now showing items 221-240 of 382

    • Particle simulation of snow avalanche motion 

      Perla, R.; Lied, Karstein; Kristensen, Krister (Journal article, 1984)
      The continuum model of a snow avalanche is abandoned, and instead an avalanche is modeled as a collection of particles that move randomly and independently subject to gravity and resistive forces which have a random ...
    • Pelefundamentering av kraftmaster og snøskredforbygninger i skrått terreng - Sluttrapport 

      Lied, Karstein (Research report, 1993-02-03)
      Prosjektet har gått ut på å undersøke muligheten av bruk av peler for å fundamentere snøskredforbygninger, kraftmaster oglignende konstruksjoner på løsmasser i bratt terreng. Siktemålet har først og fremst vært å gjennomføre ...
    • Penzenlähner avalanche - calculation of maximum run-out of snow avalanches. Presentation of the results from the Norwegian working group 

      Domaas, Ulrik (Journal article, 1999)
      In order to find a probable run-out of extreme snow avalanches in the area east of HU:1gerburg of the Penzenlahnerlawine, we have used three different methods to calculate runout in the same manner as in Norway. The models ...
    • Perception of risk in avalanche terrain 

      Kristensen, Krister; Genswein, Manuel; Munter, Werner (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2012)
      Although avalanche training and the risk minimization strategies have greatly evolved and are being widely taught to recreational and professional users, too many serious accidents continue to happen within the educated ...
    • Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Snø og snøskred på Svalbard. Registrering av snøforhold, snøskred og utløpslengder 

      Hestnes, Erik (NGI-rapport;58910-04, Research report, 1999-12-30)
      Det er behov for forskning på snø og skred i arktiske områder for å kunne gi faglig verifiserte råd i forbindelse med utvikling og bruk av områdene. Problemstillinger og erfaringer fra ca 25 konsulentoppdrag på Svalbard ...
    • Plenary: Progress of living with landslide risk in Europe 

      Nadim, F.; Kalsnes, B.; Solheim, A. (Chapter, 2014)
      The need to protect people and property with a changing pattern of landslide hazard and risk caused by climate change and changes in demography, and the reality for societies in Europe to live with the risk associated with ...
    • Possible erosion mechanisms in snow avalanches 

      Gauer, Peter; Issler, Dieter (Journal article, 2004)
      Snow erosion and entrainment processes in avalanches are classified according to their mechanisms, the flow regimes in which they occur, and their spatial position within the avalanche. Simple, but process-specific, models ...
    • The potential of sedimentology and stratigraphy in avalanche-hazard research 

      Blikra, Lars Harald; Thorsteinn, Sæmundson (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      Detailed sedimentology studies in cross sections and studies of recent processes on avalanche-dominated colluvial fans have been combined in order to evaluate the characteristic sedimentary facies of avalanche processes. ...
    • Prediction of slushflow hazard based on data from local meteorological stations. 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar; Hestnes, Erik (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2010)
      Seeking objective criteria for slushflow prediction and warning, meteorological data has been recorded at two slushflow sites in Rana District, North Norway, during a 10 years period. The two starting zones were equipped ...
    • Probabilistic calibration of avalanche block models. 

      Gauer, Peter; Medina-Cetina, Zenon; Lied, Karstein; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)
      The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) has been operating the full-scale avalanche test-site Ryggfonn in western Norway for more than 25 years. During those years, measurements from about three dozen dry-snow avalanches ...
    • Prøvevoll mot snøskred bygget i Stryn 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1982)
      NGI har bygget en fangvoll mot snøskred i Grasdalen nær skredforskningsstasjonen på Strynefjellet. Hensikten er å undersøke hvilken effekt slike konstruksjoner har som snøskredsikring og spesielt dimensjoneringen av høyden ...
    • Quantitative risk analysis for evaluation of avalanche protection projects 

      Wilhelm, Christian (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      Questions on optimum protection measures have always been bound to economic considerations. This involves a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the effect of avalanche protection measures with an appropriate concept ...
    • Radar measurements of snow avalanche full scale experiment in Ryggfonn. 

      Rammer, Lambert; Kristensen, Krister; Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      At the full scale experiment site of NG! in Ryggfonn, avalanche velocities and forces have been measured through 15 years. In April 1997 an Austrian developed INW pulsed Doppler radar was used to measure avalanche velocities ...
    • Recommendation on how avoid Interference Issues in companion and organized avalanche rescue 

      Genswein, Manuel; Atkins, Dale; Obad, Joe; Grady, Emily; Piché, Marc; Guyn, Todd; Whelan, Rob; Brattlien, Kjetil (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2013)
      Electronic avalanche rescue devices such as 457kHz transceivers and Recco are today the primary search tools in companion and organized rescue. The requirement for a long receive range in order to shorten rescue time asks ...
    • Regional avalanche warning in Norway, a new concept for a large country 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Sandersen, Frode; Brattlien, Kjetil; Solheim, Anders (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2008)
      Norway encompasses 324 000 km2 of land area of which ca. 7 % are mountainsides steeper than 30 degrees. The country extends approximately 1700 km from south to north and features extreme variations in normal precipitation ...
    • Reinunga, Aurland. Snøskredulykke 3. mars 2004 

      Jaedicke, Christian (NGI-rapport;20041154-01, Research report, 2004-03-26)
      A derivation is given for the equation of thermodynamic equilibrium between ice and water in porous media. The equation accounts for a difference between the pressure of the ice phase and the total potential (in pressure ...
    • Reliability of sampling designs for spatial snow surveys 

      Kronholm, Kalle; Birkeland, Karl W. (Journal article, 2007)
      Spatial patterns are an inherent property of most naturally occurring materials at a large range of scales. To describe spatial patterns in the field, several observations are made according to a certain sampling design. ...
    • Remote sensing of avalanches in northern Norway using Synthetic Aperture Radar 

      Malnes, Eirik; Eckerstorfer, Markus; Larsen, Yngvar; Frauenfelder, Regula; Jónsson, Árni; Jaedicke, Christian; Solbø, Stian A. (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2013)
      We present results from using synthetic aperture radar data (SAR) to analyse three avalanches in the county of Troms in northern Norway during the late snow season 2013. During a persistent polar low pressure activity at ...
    • Remote sensing of snow avalanches: Recent advances, potential, and limitations 

      Eckerstorfer, Markus; Bühler, Yves; Frauenfelder, Regula; Malnes, Eirik (Journal article, 2015)
      Snow avalanches are the main natural hazard in snow covered mountainous areas worldwide, frequently threatening lives and infrastructure. Avalanche research is inherently risk research, working towards avalanche risk ...
    • Remote-Sensing Derived Avalanche Inventory Data 

      Frauenfelder, Regula; Solberg, Rune; Larsen, Siri Øyen; Salberg, Arnt-Børre; Bjordal, Heidi (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2012)
      Every year snow avalanches pose a significant threat to transportation infrastructure. The societal demand to minimize closures of the main transport network while maintaining an acceptable level of personal safety at the ...