Now showing items 161-180 of 1234

    • Comparison of snow pressure measurements and theoretical predictions 

      McClung, David M.; Larsen, Jan Otto; Hansen, Svein Borg (Journal article, 1984)
      Measurements of snow creep pressures from the centre section of a 3.4 m high and 15 m long avalanche-defence supporting structure located on a mountain in western Norway are presented. The site has a deep snow cover and ...
    • The temporal and spatial variation of snow pressure on structures 

      Larsen, Jan Otto; McClung, David M.; Hansen, Svein Borg (Journal article, 1985)
      Measurements of snow creep pressure on an avalanche-defence structure in western Norway are presented. Two different types of measurement methods are described and evaluated. Pressure data from four winters are correlated ...
    • Can the propagation speed of snow avalanches be determined by seismic methods? 

      Vilajosana, I.; Khazaradze, G.; Lied, Karstein; Suriñach, E. (Chapter, 2004)
      The main question of the given work is whether the propagation speed of snow avalanches can be determined using seismic observations. The significance of having at least an order of magnitude estimate of this basic physical ...
    • Skredfare, boligplanlegging og ekspertens rolle overfor oppdragsgiver 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1978)
      Trange dalfører og bratte fjellsider er svært vanlig i vårt land og i fjord. og dalstrØkene særlig pA Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge er naturødeleggelse i fonn av skred en realitet. I mange dalfører er f.eks. gArdsbebyggelsen ...
    • Skred og skredfare 

      Jørstad, Finn; Lied, Karstein (NGI Publikasjon;122, Journal article, 1978)
      Allerede samme år som NGI offisielt ble opprettet fikk man i oppdrag å undersøke kvikkleireskredet som gikk på Bekkelaget ved Oslo 7. oktober 1953...
    • The Norwegian avalanche test site - Ryggfonn 

      Kleemayr, Karl; Kristensen, Krister; Mayerl, Markus; Pürstinger, Christian; Walter, Gerhard (Journal article, 2007)
      In 1981, NGI established the full scale avalanche test site at Ryggfonn. Since then the site has been fitted with an increasing number of sensors and instruments.
    • Anvendelse av risikoanalyse i skredfarevurderingen 

      Unknown author (Chapter, 1979)
      Trange dalfører og bratte fjellsider er svært vanlig i vart land og i fjord~ og dalstrøkene,særlig pa Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge er naturødeleggelse i form av skred en realitet. I mange dalfører er f.eks gärdsbebyggelsen ...
    • The Godtifonn avalanche 

      Kleemayr, Karl; Mayerl, Markus; Sailer, Rudolf; Kristensen, Krister; Pürstinger, Christian; Walter, Gerhard (Chapter, 2007)
      The group also had the chance to visit the Godtifonn avalanche track located about 25 km west of Stryn. 1 1/2 years previously, a huge avalanche event released and impacted one of the most important transnational roads ...
    • Avalanches in Longyearbyen Svalbard 2015 and 2017: Avalanche Protection - Visions 

      Jonsson, Arni; Jaedicke, Christian (Chapter, 2017)
      Longyearbyen, the administrative centre of the Svalbard archipelago, is facing most types of natural hazards under a changing Arctic climate. The first indication in meteorological data of a change in climate was a heavy ...
    • Avalanches in the context of climate change in the northern regions: Avalanche Protection - Visions 

      Domaas, Ulrik; Gisnås, Kjersti (Chapter, 2017)
      Avalanches have caused more than 1500 deaths the past 150 years in Norway. Development in rural areas make us more vulnerable to geohazards. Climatic warming with increased frequency and strength of extreme weather events ...
    • Risikomanagement in lawinenexponierten Gebieten Norwegens: Visionen im Lawinenschutz 

      Gauer, Peter (Chapter, 2017)
      Dieser Beitrag entstand anlässlich des Symposiums "VISIONS OF AVALANCHE PROTECTION" 27 - 28 April 2017 in Galtür, Tirol.
    • Årsrapport [FoU Snøskred 2012] 

      Sandersen, Frode; Jaedicke, Christian; Domaas, Ulrik; Gauer, Peter; Kronholm, Kalle (NGI-rapport;20120031-01-R, Research report, 2013-02-01)
      Rapporten beskriver aktivitetene som er gjennomført i 2012 innenfor FoU prosjektet ”Snøskred” finansiert gjennom NVE. Prosjektet er delt inn i 4 hovedområder: - Modellering - Varsling - Sikringstiltak, herunder ...
    • Observations on water level fluctuations in snow due to rain and snowmelt 

      Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar (Chapter, 1996)
      Meteorological parameters, snowpack conditions and water level fluctuations in snowpack due to rain and snowmelt, have been registered during 5 winters at two slushflow sites in Rana, North Norway. A noticeable rise of ...
    • A comparison of avalanche models with data from dry-snow avalanches at Ryggfonn, Norway 

      Issler, Dieter; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Kristensen, Krister; Lied, Karstein; Moe, Arne; Barbolini, M.; Khazaradze, G.; McElwaine, J.N.; Mears, A.I.; Naaim, M.; Sailer, R. (Chapter, 2005)
      Twelve well-documented dry-snow avalanches from the instrurnented Ryggfonn path in western Norway were selected for back-ca1culations with several dynamical avalanche models. In each case, the run-out distance, the front ...
    • Slushflow hazard prediction and warning 

      Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar (Journal article, 2004)
      Parameters critical to slushflow release have been studied during 11 winters in Rana, North Norway. Slushflows occurred during 16 periods within the research areas and during another 13 in the district. A noticeable rise ...
    • Spatial variability of micropenetration resistance in snow layers on a small slope 

      Kronholm, Kalle; Schneebeli, Martin; Schweizer, Jürg (Journal article, 2004)
      The mechanisms leading to dry-snow slab release are influenced by the three-dimensional variability of the snow cover. We measured 113 profiles of penetration resistance with a snow micropenetrometer on an alpine snow ...
    • NVE Grasdalen snøforskning. Resultater av målinger på rør (0.42m dia). Vinterene 1979 til 1986 

      Hansen, Svein Borg; Olsen, Tor Stein (Research report, 1987-07-01)
      Denne rapporten inneholder en kort beskrivelse av instrumenteringen på Røret, de malte stålspenningene gjennom vinterne 1979 til 1986, de Utregnede aksiallastene og bøyemomentene, samt en kort vurdering av resultatene.
    • Possible erosion mechanisms in snow avalanches 

      Gauer, Peter; Issler, Dieter (Journal article, 2004)
      Snow erosion and entrainment processes in avalanches are classified according to their mechanisms, the flow regimes in which they occur, and their spatial position within the avalanche. Simple, but process-specific, models ...
    • Dynamique et modélisation des avalanches 

      Issler, Dieter (Chapter, 2010)
      This chapter summarizes observations and experimental findings on the dynamics of snow avalanches that are important to understand when developing or applying numerical models for the calculation of runout distances, ...
    • On probability analysis in snow avalanche hazard zoning 

      Harbitz, Carl; Harbitz, Alf; Farrokh, Nadim (Journal article, 2001)
      The reduced societal acceptance of living in regions exposed to snow avalanches, and the increased economic consequences when houses are located within a hazard zone, highlight the uncertainty concerning avalanche run-out ...