Now showing items 815-834 of 1037

    • Simulations of dense snow avalanches on deflecting dams 

      Irgens, Fridtjov; Schieldrop, Bonsak; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Domaas, Ulrik; Opsahl, Runar (Journal article, 1998)
      Two models simulating snow avalanches impacting retaining dams at oblique angles of incidence are presented. First, a lumped-mass model applying the Voellmy-Perla equation is used to calculate the path of the centre-of-mass ...
    • Site characterisation and some examples from large scale testing at the Klett quick clay research site 

      Long, Mike; L Heureux, Jean-Sebastien; Bache, Bjørn Kristian Fiskvik; Lund, Alf Kristian; Hove, Svein; Sødal, Karl Gunnar; Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Nordal, Steinar; Montafia, Alberto (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The Klett research site was developed in conjunction with the new E6 developments south of Trondheim, Norway. The site comprises non-sensitive clay to about 6 m to 8 m and quick clay with significant silt lenses below this ...
    • Site-specific soil reaction model for monopiles in soft clay based on laboratory element stress-strain curves 

      Lai, Yongqing; Wang, Lizhong; Zhang, Youhu; Hong, Yi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Large-diameter monopiles are the predominant foundation solution for supporting offshore wind turbines. They are conventionally designed using soil reaction curves developed for long slender piles used for supporting ...
    • Skred og skredfare 

      Jørstad, Finn; Lied, Karstein (NGI Publikasjon;122, Journal article, 1978)
      Allerede samme år som NGI offisielt ble opprettet fikk man i oppdrag å undersøke kvikkleireskredet som gikk på Bekkelaget ved Oslo 7. oktober 1953...
    • Skred og skredforskning i Norge 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (Chapter, 1999)
      Siden man begynte offentlig registrering over årsak til dødsulykker i 1835, har ca. 1500 mennesker satt livet til i ulykker som skyldes snøskred eller sørpeskred i Norge. I Alpelandene var man også vel vant med den hvite ...
    • Skredfare, boligplanlegging og ekspertens rolle overfor oppdragsgiver 

      Lied, Karstein (Journal article, 1978)
      Trange dalfører og bratte fjellsider er svært vanlig i vårt land og i fjord. og dalstrØkene særlig pA Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge er naturødeleggelse i fonn av skred en realitet. I mange dalfører er f.eks. gArdsbebyggelsen ...
    • The SLAB test - The missing link in stability testing? 

      Brattlien, Kjetil; Ellevold, Jo Gunnar (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2010)
      An avalanche is released when both the weak layer and the slab fails, still standard stability tests (e.g. CT, ECT) focus on the weak layer only. The SLAB test gives information on both the weak layer and the slab, hence ...
    • Slush-flow questionnaire. 

      Onesti, Lawrence J.; Hestnes, Erik (Journal article, 1989)
      Questionnaires concerning slush flows were distributed globally. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine the geographic distribution of slush-flow activity and also to collect information concerning the most ...
    • Slushflow Formation, Flow Regimes and Consequences (Short Version) 

      Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2012)
      The term ‘slushflow’ was introduced by Washburn and Goldthwait (1958). Eight people perished in slushflows during the winters 2010 and 2011 in Norway, five in backcountry, two in their home and one truck-driver. Buildings, ...
    • Slushflow hazard - where, why and when? 25 years of experience with slushflow consulting and research. 

      Hestnes, Erik (Journal article, 1998)
      Slushflows — flowing mixtures of water and snow — are a major natural hazard in Norway. Knowledge gathered by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute during 25 years of slushflow consulting and research is presented. The ...
    • Slushflow hazard control. A review of mitigative measures. 

      Hestnes, Erik; Sandersen, Frode (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      Slushflow hazard detection and control are based on both active and passive mitigative measures performed above and within the starting zones as well as along the path and in the runout zone. The main aim of preventive ...
    • Slushflow hazard prediction and warning 

      Hestnes, Erik; Bakkehøi, Steinar (Journal article, 2004)
      Parameters critical to slushflow release have been studied during 11 winters in Rana, North Norway. Slushflows occurred during 16 periods within the research areas and during another 13 in the district. A noticeable rise ...
    • Slushflows: Basic properties and spreading 

      Perov, Veniamin F. (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The article presents results of an analytical review of factual data and scientific studies concerning slushflows. The basic conditions and gears of origin, parameters and typology of flows are considered, as well as the ...
    • Small strain stiffness within logarithmic contractancy model for structured anisotropic clay 

      Sivasithamparam, Nallathamby; D'Ignazio, Marco; Tsegaye, Anteneh Biru; Castro, J.; Madshus, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Stiffness of soils in the small strain region is high and it decays nonlinearly with increasing shear strains or with mobilization of shear stresses. However, the commonly used critical state based constitutive models use ...
    • Snaps - snow, ice and avalanche applications 

      Grímsdóttir, Harpa; Jónsson, Magni Hreinn (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2012)
      The SNAPS project focuses on snow and avalanche services for transport infrastructure in selected areas within the Northern Periphery in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The main tasks of the project are: development ...
    • Snow avalanche at Bleie, Ullensvang, January 1994. 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      A major snow avalanche hit the farms at Bleie, municipality of Ullensvang, January 27 1994. Three dwelling houses were completely destroyed, and several other buildings were destroyed or damaged. The history of the Bleie ...
    • Snow avalanche dynamics : observations and experiments 

      Nishimura, K.; Ito, Y.; Keller, S.; McElwine, S.; Nohguchi, Y.; Izumi, K.; Kawada, K. (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      In order to investigate the dynamics and the detailed structure of snow avalanches, we have made systematic observations in the Shiai-dani, Kurobe Canyon since 1989. Velocities of the lower flowing component were calculated ...
    • Snow avalanche energy estimation from seismic signal analysis 

      Vilajosana, I.; Suriñach, E.; Khazaradze, G.; Gauer, Peter (Journal article, 2007)
      A method to determine the dissipated seismic energy into the ground by a down going avalanche is presented. Evaluation of the seismic energy is useful for avalanche size classification, model validation, and for characterization ...
    • Snow avalanche experience through 25 years at NGI. 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      This year it is 25 years since the Norwegian parliament decided that NG! should be the institution responsible for snow avalanche research and consulting work in Norway. Because of several major snow avalanche accidents ...