• Avalanche forecasting for transportation corridor and backcountry in Glacier National Park (BC, Canada) 

      Schweizer, Jürg; Jamieson, J. Bruce (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The Avalanche Control Section at Rogers Pass is responsible for avalanche safety on the Trans Canada Highway and Canadian Pacific Railroad within Glacier National Park and for the daily issue of an avalanche warning bulletin ...
    • An avalanche forecasting program based on a modified nearest neighbour method. 

      Kristensen, Krister; Larsson, Christer (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 1994)
      As a part of an avalanche forecasting system, a modified nearest neighbour program is described. The system is intended to be used with forecast values for most ofthe parameters. The modifications consist of 1) the use of ...
    • Avalanche hazard mapping using numerical Voellmy-Fluid models 

      Gruber, Urs; Bartelt, Perry (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      One- and two-dimensional numerical dense-snow avalanche dynamics models using a Voellmy-fluid constitutive flow law have been developed in Switzerland recently. In order to apply these models in practice, they have been ...
    • An avalanche index for roads 

      Jonsson, Arni; Kristensen, Krister (Chapter, 2008)
      Several methods have been introduced through the years to evaluate avalanche risk along road sections. In 1988, Peter Schaerer introduced Avalanche Hazard Index, a numerical expression of damage and loss as the result of ...
    • The avalanche monitoring system av mount Pizzac 

      Sommavilla, Francesco; Sovilla, Betty (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The monitoring system of Mount Pizzac has been created in order to study the avalanche dynamics and the effect of its impact on the structures. In its extreme dimensions the monitored avalanche gets off at 2200 meters and ...
    • Avalanche observations at the Ryggfonn test site, Norway, with correlation to snow and weather conditions 

      Gauer, Peter; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2014)
      The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) has been running full-scale avalanche experiments at the Ryggfonn test-site in western Norway for close to 40 years. Data from this period involve observations from about 32 ...
    • The avalanche of la Tartera de la Pica (Andorra) 

      Furdada, Gloria; Vilaplana, Manuel Joan; Tomàs, Enric; Mas, David (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The great extension of the avalanche path of "la tartera de la Pica" was identified during a systematic avalanche cartography in Andorra (Pyrenees). There are witnesses who, around 1930, saw the avalanche going down around ...
    • Avalanche prediction and strength-of-knowledge assessment 

      Kristensen, Krister (Lecture, 2018)
      The NGI provides local avalanche forecasting, produces hazard maps and acts as an advisor for national and local authorities during emergencies. A main task is often to assess the likelihood of an avalanche reaching specific ...
    • Avalanche probability: Slab release and the effect of forest cover 

      Gauer, Peter (Lecture, 2018)
      One of the main challenges in regard to hazard mapping is to estimate avalanche probabilities and avalanche size for a given path. One reason for this is the lack of sufficient data. By definition, avalanches of interest ...
    • Avalanche rescue and mission risk in Norway 1996-2010 

      Lunde, Albert; Kristensen, Krister (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2013)
      Well documented data from Norwegian avalanche rescue missions are evaluated according to risk assessment. Data have been collected from police records and logs from joint rescue coordination centres. Mission risk assessments ...
    • Avalanche risk along a 420 kV transmission line in Iceland 

      Jonsson, Arni; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Hauksson, Sigurjon (Chapter, 2008)
      Two transmission lines between Flj6tsdalur and Reyöarfjöröur in northeast Iceland have been investigated conceming snow avalanche hazard. As a basis for the calculations of the return periods of the avalanches, weather and ...
    • Avalanche risk along a 420 kv transmission line in Iceland. 

      Jónsson, Árni; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Hauksson, Sigurjón (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2006)
      Two transmission lines between Fljótsdalur and Reyðarfjörður in northeast Iceland have been investigated concerning snow avalanche hazard. Given a specific level of probability of failure for both the lines less than ...
    • Avalanche run-out on counter-slopes 

      Moe, Arne; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Wieshofer, Sigrid; Domaas, Ulrik (Journal article, 2003)
      Counter-slopes in avalanche paths influence avalanche flow in similarways as defence structures. Measurements and calculations of run-outon such slopes will improve our understanding of retaining damdesign. We have studied ...
    • The avalanche situation in a special winter. Review of the 09/10 season in Norway. 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Brattlien, Kjetil; Frauenfelder, Regula; Kristensen, Krister; Kronholm, Kalle (The International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings;, Chapter, 2010)
      The 2009/10 season featured significantly different snow conditions compared to the usually maritime snow pack in most of Norway. A stable high-pressure system over large parts of Europe led to low temperatures and limited ...
    • The avalanche situation in Neskaupstadur, Iceland : A preliminary defensive plan 

      Tomasson, Gunnar G.; Sigurdsson, Flosi; Rapin, François (NGI Publication;203, Chapter, 1998)
      The avalanche situation in the town of Neskaupstaôur is rather unique and in many respects more difficult than in any other place in Iceland. The avalanche risk is high in a large portion of the 2,7 km long residential ...
    • Avalanches in Longyearbyen Svalbard 2015 and 2017: Avalanche Protection - Visions 

      Jonsson, Arni; Jaedicke, Christian (Chapter, 2017)
      Longyearbyen, the administrative centre of the Svalbard archipelago, is facing most types of natural hazards under a changing Arctic climate. The first indication in meteorological data of a change in climate was a heavy ...
    • Avalanches in the context of climate change in the northern regions: Avalanche Protection - Visions 

      Domaas, Ulrik; Gisnås, Kjersti (Chapter, 2017)
      Avalanches have caused more than 1500 deaths the past 150 years in Norway. Development in rural areas make us more vulnerable to geohazards. Climatic warming with increased frequency and strength of extreme weather events ...
    • Avalanches on Mt. Fuji, Japan: Seismic detection and tracking combined with numerical simulations 

      Pérez-Guillén, Cristina; Tsunematsu, Kae; Kouichi, Nishimura; Issler, Dieter (Lecture, 2018)
    • AVO Modelling Considering Various Caprock and Reservoir Scenarios for Potential CO2 Storage in Smeaheie Area, Northern North Sea 

      Fawad, Manzar; Mondol, Nazmul Haque (Chapter, 2019)
      We have performed a comparative study of undrained triaxial testing with five different laboratories, to explore the reproducibility of test results. Opalinus Clay was sourced as testing material from a borehole at the ...
    • Avoiding the Next Silent Spring: Our Chemical Past, Present, and Future 

      Arp, Hans Peter Heinrich; Aurich, Dagny; Schymanski, Emma L.; Sims, Kerry; Hale, Sarah Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)