Recent Submissions

  • Metoder, verktøy og arbeidsflyt for risikovurdering av planlagte deponilokaliteter på Svalbard 

    Breedveld, Gijs; Frauenfelder, Regula; Eidsvig, Unni; Jaedicke, Christian; Nerland, Ørjan; Gisnås, Kjersti; Piciullo, Luca (NGI-rapport;20180397-02-R, Research report, 2021-02-22)
    Prosjektet "Permafrost som geologisk barriere", finansiert gjennom Svalbard Miljøvernfond, har som målsetning å forstå i hvilken grad permafrost er en fungerende geologisk barriere i tilknytning til deponier på Svalbard. ...
  • NAKSIN 4 - dokumentasjon 

    Gisnås, Kjersti; Issler, Dieter; Domaas, Ulrik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kjetil (NGI-Rapport;20150457-02-R, Research report, 2023-05-15)
    NGI har på oppdrag av NVE utviklet en metodikk for å beregne Nye AktsomhetsKart for Snøskred I Norge (NAKSIN). Bakgrunnen var at eksisterende aktsomhetskart fra 2010 var for konservative i mange områder da de ikke tar ...
  • WP 2 – Full-scale experiments at Ryggfonn Ryggfonn avalanche observations 2021/2022 

    Gauer, Peter (NGI-Rapport;20200017-11-TN, Research report, 2024-01-03)
    NGI is operating the avalanche test site at Ryggfonn in Stryn municipality, Vestland county, western Norway (61.969°N, 7.275°E) since the early 1980s. In addition to the field work and data collection in the framework of ...
  • Stress analyses for numerical modelling of submarine flowslides 

    Norem, Harald; Schieldrop, Bonsak (NGI-Rapport;522090-10, Research report, 1991-04-05)
    This report is based on, and is a continuation of the NGI-report 522090-2 "An Approach to the Physics and the Modelling of Submarine Flows lides ", by Norem, Locat and Schieldrop (1989).Submarine flowslides are assumed to ...
  • Grunnvannsmodellering som et verktøy for å estimere setninger rundt byggegroper 

    Stav, Helene (20170774;Deliverable 3.2, Master thesis; Research report, 2022-05-30)
    This report contains the master's thesis from Helene Stav with title "Grunnvannsmodellering som et verktøy for å estimere setninger rundt byggegroper" provided in Appendix A.
  • GIBV Risikoverktøy – Brukermanual og dokumentasjon 

    Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Piciullo, Luca; Ritter, Stefan (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.3, Research report, 2022-09)
    GIBV-verktøyet er utviklet gjennom forsknings- og utviklingsprosjektet (FoU) BegrensSkade II som har pågått fra 2017 til 2022. GIBV står for "Ground-work Impact (GI) og Building Vulnerability (BV)". Verktøyet er utviklet ...
  • REMEDY - et BegrensSkade prosjekt. Sluttrapport 

    Unknown author (NGI-rapport;20170774-01-R, Report, 2023)
    BegrensSkade-prosjektene har vært bransjeomfattende forskningsprosjekt finansiert av Norges forskningsråd samt private aktører i byggenæringen. Det første BegrensSkade prosjektet startet i 2012, og med avslutningen av ...
  • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Effect of vibrations on slope stability 

    Johansson, Jörgen (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.3, Research report, 2019-08-29)
    A landslide-triggered tsunami caused extensive material damage at Statland, Norway in 2014. Other landslides in Sweden and US have also been triggered by man-made vibrations. To understand better how vibrations from vibratory ...
  • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Blasting tests 

    Norén-Cosgriff, Karin (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.2, Research report, 2021-12-01)
    In this study, two instrumented blast test series were performed in a rock quarry in Norway. For the first test series, two buildings were erected, one made of Light Expanded Clay Aggregate (Leca) blocks, and one in ...
  • Numerical hydrogeological modelling of drainage to an excavation 

    Ånes, Eivind Wiik; Kahlström, Mats; Langford, Jenny; Tuttle, Kevin (NGI-rapport;20170774-D3.3, Research report, 2021-12)
    The report regards the conceptual and numerical modelling of drainage scenarios to a planned excavation in a deep clay deposit in Oslo, Norway. The modelling was performed in SEEP/W 2D. Ground investigations indicate that ...
  • Using hydrogeological numerical modelling to predict drainage to excavations – findings from four Norwegian case studies 

    Kahlström, Mats (NGI-rapport;20170774-D3.4, Research report, 2022-08-30)
    Urban ground work such as deep excavations performed in soft clay may cause damage to neighbouring buildings and structures as a consequence of settlements partly caused by drainage. The costs related to settlement damage ...
  • A literature review of risk matrices applied for risk assessment in geotechnical engineering 

    Lin, Cungang (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.1, Research report, 2018-10-25)
    Risk matrices are frequently used for risk assessment in all kinds of areas. This study makes a simple literature review on their applications in different fields of geotechnical engineering with focus on their size and ...
  • Verktøy for Risikohåndtering – Manual Norsk 

    Piciullo, Luca; Langford, Jenny (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.2, Research report, 2019-09-08)
    Hensikten med verktøyet er å systematisk identifisere og vurdere risiko for uønskede hendelser. Risikomatrisen som genereres kan danne grunnlag for valg av anleggsmetoder og behov for avbøtende tiltak. Risikovurderingen ...
  • Deliverable D3.1. Drainage to Excavations – State of the Art Report 

    Kahlström, Mats; Langford, Jenny; Anderson, Helen; Tuttle, Kevin; Lier, Knut Erik; Berggren, Anne-Lise (NGI-rapport;20170774-D3.1, Research report, 2022-05-27)
    Ground works such as deep excavations and foundation works performed in soft clay can cause damage to neighbouring buildings and structures. Drainage causes pore pressure lowering, followed by consolidation settlements. ...
  • Deliverable 3.3. Reports on execution of field trails at each case study site 

    Koers, Gerben; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Raaphorst, Kevin; Well, Lisa van; Vollsted, Bente; Koerth, Jana; Oen, Amy (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.3, Research report, 2020-12)
    The main objective of the field trials was to bring into practice the key aspects of EVOKED: the focus on climate services, the Living Labs approach, and the information design of the selected climate services for each of ...
  • Deliverable D4.2. User satisfaction of climate services 

    Kalsnes, Bjørn (EVOKED;Deliverable 4.2, Research report, 2021-02)
    The EVOKED framework focuses on the co-creation aspects of climate services (co-design, co-development and co-validation) using Living Labs to engage stakeholders. Embedded in each of these steps, is a co-evaluation process ...
  • Deliverable 3.2. Capacity building material for the field trials 

    Brugge, Rutger van der; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Koers, Gerben; Raaphorst, Kevin; Well, Lisa van; Vollstedt, Bente; Koerth, Jana; Oen, Amy (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.2, Research report, 2020-01)
    In Deliverable 3.1 (Deltares, 2019) the theoretical background, research questions, hypotheses (also summarized in Section 2 of this document) and overall method have been described. This deliverable focuses on the workflow ...
  • Deliverable 3.1. Field trial framework for the use of knowledge concerning climate adaptation measures and their implementation 

    Brugge, Rutger van der; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Koers, Gerben; Raaphorst, Kevin (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.1, Research report, 2019-04-23)
    This field trial framework aims to ensure that the various field trials at the EVOKED case study sites are carried out, as much as possible, in a consistent manner such that they may be cross compared, and lessons may be ...
  • Hydrogeological report 

    Holmøy, Kristin Hilde; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Shabanimashcool, Mahdi; Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-06-R Rev. 1, Report, 2021-01-14)
    NGI is engaged by Norwegian water resources and energy directorate (NVE) to carry out stability analysis of the Åknes rock slide. This report is presenting and analysing the most important investigations and monitoring, ...
  • Ingeniørgeologiske vurderinger og kostnadsestimat for tunnelalternativ 

    Langeland, Henrik; Holmøy, Kristin Hilde; Gjengedal, Sondre; Ask, Kjetil (NGI-Rapport;20180662-08-R, Report, 2020-12-21)
    NGI er engasjert av NVE for å foreslå hvordan man kan bygge en dreneringstunnel med mål om å drenere Åknes fjellside. Hovedmålet er å foreslå forslag til konsept, og deretter utføre et kostnadsestimat. I foreliggende ...

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