GeoSuite – A Modular System for Geotechnical Design
Lacasse, Suzanne; Jostad, Hans Petter; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Torgersrud, Øyvind; Sandven, Rolf Birger
Remarkable advances in the analysis tools of, for example slopes, embankment stability and settlements have happened since the 90s. Many are due to the information technology revolution in all aspects of geotechnical practice. Although the tools in use today are more sophisticated than earlier, experience, judgment and quality control remain the key to reliable foundation design. Experts agree that one should do calculations with two methods (or two codes) to check "that you have not missed anything of importance". Software is not what differentiates among consultants today. The competence and experience of the personnel and the appropriateness of the parameters and soil models used in the analyses gives the competitive edge. In 2002, the geotechnical profession of Norway and Sweden (consultants, research organizations, universities and government agencies worked) entered an alliance to develop GeoSuite. The development work was funded by the Research Council of Norway in addition to the partners. The first version of GeoSuite was issued in 2006. A new generation was completed in 2015 and a third generation is planned for 2019. The objective of GeoSuite is to make design calculations as simple as possible for the user, and to provide user-assistance along the way. The software provides the practitioner with tools for one-, two- and three-dimensional calculations and visualization, and an integration of geotechnical input data, calculations and results. The paper describes "GeoSuite", a software with modules for the design of geotechnical foundations on land, with stability, settlement, bearing capacity, pile and excavation calculations. Plans are made for add-ons with slope calculations, soil profile decisions and statistical analyses of soil parameters. The paper describes the modules in GeoSuite and gives examples of stability and settlement calculations.