Use of the free fall cone penetrometer (FF-CPTU) in offshore landslide hazard assessment
Free fall penetrometer (FF-CPTU) testing can provide significant advantages over conventional CPTU investigation for shallow sub-surface offshore site investigations. Much work has been done on soil characterisation and on determination of the undrained shear strength (su) from FF-CPTU testing. However, little data has been published on analysis of FF-CPTU dissipation testing. Here, FF-CPTU data from two Nor-wegian fjords with evidence of recent landsliding are presented, and the techniques used to analyse and correct the data are described. At Hommelvika, relatively high residual excess pore pressures (15-17 kPa) were found in the vicinity of a large pockmark identified on the fjord bed from multibeam data. At Finneidfjord, the residual excess pore pressures are lower and are in agreement with long-term piezometer data from the area. Reliable estimates of the coefficient of consolidation (ch) were also be obtained from the FF-CPTU dissipation tests. Use of the free fall cone penetrometer (FF-CPTU) in offshore landslide hazard assessment