Now showing items 181-197 of 197

    • Måling av injeksjonsresultat med vanntapsmålinger i tunnel 

      Stein, Eivind (NGI-rapport;20200436-05-R, Research report, 2022-12-23)
      Forsøk ved Fornebubanens hovedtunnel har demonstrert at vanntapsmålinger ved stuff kan gjøres enkelt og effektivt, med bruk av lett utstyr. Vanntapsmålingene viser lavt vanntap og meget tett bergmasse etter 2-stegs injeksjon ...
    • REMEDY - et BegrensSkade prosjekt. Sluttrapport 

      Unknown author (NGI-rapport;20170774-01-R, Report, 2023)
      BegrensSkade-prosjektene har vært bransjeomfattende forskningsprosjekt finansiert av Norges forskningsråd samt private aktører i byggenæringen. Det første BegrensSkade prosjektet startet i 2012, og med avslutningen av ...
    • WP1 - Temporary storage of black shales – a compilation of case studies, experiences and overall conclusions 

      Wærsted, Frøydis Meen; Slinde, Gøril Aasen; Børresen, Marion (NGI-rapport;20200436-03-R, Research report, 2023-01-09)
      As a part of the internal R&D project "Under Oslo" at NGI, several aspects of temporary storage of black shale has been investigated. Information from different experiments and cases of black shale storage from the ...
    • WP1 - Mixed fractions of black shale and rhomb porphyry 

      Totland, Christian (NGI-rapport;20200436-02-R, Research report, 2023-02-20)
      When taking out potentially acid-producing black shale in construction projects, rock masses are often unintentionally mixed with masses of other rocks. The acid-producing potential of such mixed masses is uncertain, and ...
    • WP1 - Container experiments - Yearly report 2021 

      Wærsted, Frøydis Meen; Hansen, Caroline Berge Hansen; Fjermestad, Halldis; Hagelia, Per (NGI-rapport;20200436-09-R, Research report, 2023-05-08)
      Container experiments investigating leaching from alum shale under different conditions were started autumn 2020 as a part of the Under Oslo project at NGI (SP13). Furthermore, leaching from alum shale mixed with different ...
    • NAKSIN 4 - dokumentasjon 

      Gisnås, Kjersti; Issler, Dieter; Domaas, Ulrik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kjetil (NGI-Rapport;20150457-02-R, Research report, 2023-05-15)
      NGI har på oppdrag av NVE utviklet en metodikk for å beregne Nye AktsomhetsKart for Snøskred I Norge (NAKSIN). Bakgrunnen var at eksisterende aktsomhetskart fra 2010 var for konservative i mange områder da de ikke tar ...
    • Research Plan 2023–2025 

      Tregaskis, Callum; Jaedicke, Christian; Gauer, Peter; Gisnås; Robinson, Kate; Issler, Dieter; Salazar, Sean; Vicari, Hervé; Frauenfelder, Regula (NGI-Rapport;20230100-01-R, Research report, 2023-05-19)
      Snow avalanches are a frequent and significant natural hazard in Norway. Each year, avalanche events result in fatalities, evacuations, interruptions, and damage to infrastructure networks such as roads, railways, and ...
    • Arbeidspakke 1: Forundersøkelser og løsmasseforhold i Malvik 

      Paniagua, Priscilla; Solem, Erika (NGI-rapport;20210083-01-TN Rev. 1, Report, 2023-05-20)
      Hensikten med AP1 er å etablere et verktøy til Malvik kommune som kan vise områder i Malvik som egner seg til en mulig utnyttelse av grunnvarme. AP1 har som delmål å beskrive undersøkelsesmetoder/prosedyrer og parametere ...
    • Container experiments yearly report 2022 

      Wærsted, Frøydis Meen; Hansen, Caroline Berge; Dublet-Adli, Gabrielle; Fjermestad, Halldis; Hagelia, Per (NGI-rapport;20200436-10-R, Research report, 2023-07-07)
      Container experiments investigating leaching from alum shale under different conditions were started autumn 2020 as a part of the Under Oslo project at NGI (SP13). Furthermore, leaching from alum shale mixed with different ...
    • Pilotprosjektet på Saksvik 

      Gjengedal, Sondre (NGI-rapport;20210083-01-R, Research report, 2023-07-31)
      Denne rapporten er en del av forskningsprosjektet Bærekraftig Energi fra løsmAsseR (BEAR) finansiert av Regionalt Forskningsfond Trøndelag via Regionalt hoved-prosjekt, prosjektnummer 321116. BEAR er en pilotstudie som ...
    • Life cycle analysis (LCA) and costs for energy storage in piles 

      Gjengedal, Sondre; Størdal, Ingvild; Aarekol, Jakob; Hatlelid, Jolanda (NGI-rapport;20210083-02-R, Research report, 2023-08-01)
    • Environmental impact assessments of geotechnical works 

      Størdal, Ingvild; Ritter, Stefan; Tann, Loretta von der (NGI-rapport;20200436-12-R, Research report, 2023-08-14)
      One of the major contributors to global carbon emissions is the construction sector. Using world environmental input-output tables from 2009, the total CO2-emissions from the global construction sector was calculated to ...
    • A Simple Model for the Variability of Release Area Size 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-Rapport;20200017‐03‐TN, Research report, 2023-08-24)
      The hazard mapping tool NAKSIN estimates the release probability of potential release areas (PRAs) by testing a stability criterion based on the infinite-slope approximation with a large sample of synthetic weather situations. ...
    • Outline of a Simple Model of Mixed Snow Avalanches 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-Rapport;20200017‐10‐TN, Research report, 2023-08-24)
      This Note discusses a quasi-three-dimensional model of mixed snow avalanches that could replace the code MoT-Voellmy in NAKSIN. As a starting point, the two-layer model by Eglit is slightly simplified and extended from a ...
    • APALI – Avalanche Probability Along Linear Infrastructure 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-Rapport;20200431‐01‐TN, Research report, 2023-09-28)
      To secure linear infrastructure in the most cost-efficient manner, hazard hot-spots need to be known not only with regard to the intensity of possible events but also their probability. Traditional hazard mapping methods ...
    • Applied Avalanche Research in Norway: Fonnbu 50-year celebration 

      Gisnås, Kjersti; Issler, Dieter; Hancock, Holt (NGI-Rapport;20230100-02-R, Research report, 2023-11-10)
      NGI’s avalanche research station at Strynefjellet in western Norway was officially opened in October 1973, and in September 2023 NGI and the AARN project invited to a 3- day celebration in Stryn. The aim of the celebration ...
    • WP 2 – Full-scale experiments at Ryggfonn Ryggfonn avalanche observations 2021/2022 

      Gauer, Peter (NGI-Rapport;20200017-11-TN, Research report, 2024-01-03)
      NGI is operating the avalanche test site at Ryggfonn in Stryn municipality, Vestland county, western Norway (61.969°N, 7.275°E) since the early 1980s. In addition to the field work and data collection in the framework of ...