• Avalanche studies and model validation in Europe, SATSIE. Final report 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20021048-15, Research report, 2006-08-10)
    • ICG project 2: Vulnerability and risk assessment for geohazards. Case studies: Risk associated with avalanches. 

      Gauer, Peter (NGI-rapport;20061032-02, Research report, 2007-11-30)
      This report documents an approach for the probabilistic risk assessment for avalanches. It presents two case studies: 1) A case regarding the risk to a building in an avalanche path: 2) A study concerningtherisk to ...
    • The Ryggfonn 5m digital terrain model 

      Kronholm, Kalle (NGI-rapport;20110116-00-1-TN, Research report, 2011-04-12)
      This document describes how the 5m digital terrain model (DTM) for Ryggfonn has been made and how the data is formatted.
    • Dynamical Consistency Constraints on Entrainment and Deposition in Depth-Averaged Models of Snow Avalanches and Other Gravity Mass Flows 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20110112-00-1-TN, Research report, 2012-05-18)
      This paper discusses several issues related to the mathematical and physical formulation of entrainment in depth-averaged models of gravity mass flows (GMF) such as snow avalanches and landslides. (i) The relation between ...
    • Using eCognition Definiens for automated detection of snow avalanches from optical imagery 

      Lato, Matthew J.; Frauenfelder, Regula (NGI-rapport;20110112 Notat 2012-07-14 Rev. 1, Research report, 2012-07-14)
      Detection of avalanches from remotely collected optical imagery has been tested through analysis of image properties such as brightness, contrast, and different measures of texture. There have been few publications on ...
    • Conceptual model for quantification of snow avalanche return periods 

      Harbitz, Alf; Harbitz, Carl B. (NGI-rapport;20091808-01-TN, Research report, 2012-12-11)
      This note is a contribution to the InfraRisk project (Module B) where one of the aims is to suggest an improved standard for hazard mapping. In particular, it is attempted to overcome the deficieney pointed out for *WP Bl ...
    • Using eCognition Definiens for automated detection of snow avalanche deposits from very high resolution optical imagery - New developments 

      Lato, Matthew J.; Frauenfelder, Regula (NGI-rapport;20120096-01-TN, Research report, 2013-01-28)
      The identification of snow avalanche deposits from high resolution optical satellite imagery had been the focus of the project "avalRS” which NGI, together with the Norwegian Computing Centre and Statens Veivesen, had ...
    • Årsrapport [FoU Snøskred 2012] 

      Sandersen, Frode; Jaedicke, Christian; Domaas, Ulrik; Gauer, Peter; Kronholm, Kalle (NGI-rapport;20120031-01-R, Research report, 2013-02-01)
      Rapporten beskriver aktivitetene som er gjennomført i 2012 innenfor FoU prosjektet ”Snøskred” finansiert gjennom NVE. Prosjektet er delt inn i 4 hovedområder: - Modellering - Varsling - Sikringstiltak, herunder ...
    • Spatio-temporal distribution of extreme weather events and natural hazards (snow avalanches and rockfalls) in Norway 

      Meyer, Nele Kristin (NGI-rapport;20091808-03-TN Rev. 1, Research report, 2013-05-15)
      The InfraRisk project is concerned with the impacts of extreme weather events (EWE) on the Norwegian transport infrastructure. Natural hazards triggered by EWE's are thereby of central concern. Transport routes running ...
    • Snøskred - FoU 2013. Årsrapport 

      Jaedicke, Christian (NGI-rapport;20130036-02-R, Research report, 2014-01-31)
      Snøskred utgjør en betydelig fare for bebyggelse, infrastruktur og mennesker i utsatte områder i Norge. God arealplanlegging for å unngå bygging i skredutsatte områder forutsetter en kontinuerlig forbedring av modeller for ...
    • Estimation of hysteretic soil damping from laboratory measurements including strain accumulation 

      Løvholt, Finn; Johansson, Jörgen (NGI Rapport;20110087-01-R, Research report, 2014-05-12)
      The periodic forces due to wind, surface waves and swells on offshore installations such as offshore wind turbines lead to cyclic motion of the soil foundation. The damping properties of soils account for a part of the ...
    • Snøskred i Skarbekkdalen Oppdal, befaringsnotat 

      Jónsson, Árni (NGI-rapport;20140053-02-TN, Research report, 2015-12-14)
      Mandagen den 9. februar 2015 ble politiet i Oppdal varslet om snøskred som hadde løsnet i Skarbekkdalen, ett område som ligger mellom hovedskisentre i Vangslia og en skiheis på Prestauran, Figur 1. Skredet hadde en utbredelse ...
    • Dødsulykker i snøskred 2003-2013 

      Brattlien, Kjetil (NGI-rapport;20140053-02-R, Research report, 2016-09-02)
      Denne NGI-rapporten inneholder analyser av dødsulykker i snøskred i Norge i 10-årsperioden 2003-2013. Rapporten er utarbeidet innen prosjekt SP 4 FoU Snøskred 2014-2016.
    • Evalueringsrapport etter første testsesong 

      Kvistedal, Yme Asgeir (NGI-rapport;20140081-02-R, Research report, 2016-10-14)
      NGI har utviklet et nytt system for automatisk skredvarsling ved vei, basert på geofoner og trådløse sensornettverk. Dette systemet ble første gang testet vinteren 2015/2016 i Sandneslia, ved FV472 i Gildeskål kommune.I ...
    • Fundamentering og bygging i alunskifer 

      Tønnesen, Elisabeth; Sæthern, Kristine Thorsen (NGI-rapport;20160090-01-R, Research report, 2016-12-21)
      Svarte leirskifre i Oslofelet er dannet av sedimenter avsatt i oksygenfattige (anaerobe) miljø i de geologiske tidsperiodene Kambrium til Silur. Tungmetaller inkludert uran, anrikes i bunnsedimenter under anaerobe forhold ...
    • Foundation model 1 - 1D an 3D parallel coupled models 

      Skau, Kristoffer Skjolden (NGI Rapport;20150014-04-R, Report, 2017-01-20)
      The report presents a macro elements model developed to calculate p-y soil and foundation response during cyclic loading. The concept of parallel coupling of linear elastic perfectly plastic sub-models. One is model ...
    • Summary of the 1st International Workshop 23 – 24 November 2016 

      L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Ozkul, Zeynep (NGI-rapport;20160154-15-R, Report, 2017-01-23)
      NGI and its partners, NTNU, SINTEF, UNIS and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), have received funding from The Research Council of Norway (RCN) to develop a new Norwegian GeoTest sites research infrastructure. ...
    • Weather stations in Norway suitable for SNOWPACK modelling in Norway in 2016 

      Ragulina, Galina (NGI-rapport;20140053-04-TN, Research report, 2017-01-23)
      A physical SNOWPACK model developed by Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, SLF, requires following meteorological observations as input data1 for the model simulations: - air temperature (TA) - ...
    • Review of meteorological data from Fonnbu 2009–2016 

      Ragulina, Galina (NGI-rapport;20140053-05-TN, Research report, 2017-01-25)
      12 observed parameters are recalculated with a time step of 1 hour from the original raw data set of observed values with 10 minute time step. To form winter season data sets which would cover complete snow season, it was ...
    • Notes on the Fluidization of Snow Avalanches by Air Expulsion from the Snow Cover 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20140053-03-TN, Research report, 2017-02-03)
      A recently proposed mechanism for fluidization of the front of dry-snow avalanches, based on air escaping from the snow cover that is compressed under the weight of the avalanche (Issler, 2013) is discussed.