Standardization of in situ tests and field work
Kåsin, Kristoffer; Kirkevolden, Ole Vidar; Instanes, Arne; Andersen, Espen; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Bazin, Sara; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Gundersen, Aleksander Sæthereng
The Norwegian Geo-Test Sites (NGTS) research infrastructure, with funding from The Research Council of Norway, creates a national research test site facility for geotech-nical research. The five national test sites are located in Norway and on Svalbard. The research consortium consists of NGI and NTNU, SINTEF/UNIS and NPRA (Norwegian Public Roads Administration). The research project aims at developing five sites as field laboratories for the testing and verification of innovative soil investigation and testing methods. The sites cover the soil conditions of soft clay, quick clay, silt, sand and per-mafrost. At the end of the project, the test sites will serve as reference sites for the in-dustry, public authorities, research organizations and academia where benchmarked data can be used by several generations of scientists and engineers to develop soil material models, new investigation methods, new foundation solutions and advance the state-of-the-art. The five sites will be operative for at least 10-20 yrs.
To ensure quality of the data generated in the project and to ensure as much uniformity of the results as possible it is important that all partners performing work at the sites follow the same test procedures and standards.
The present report give an overview of the main in situ testing methods and sampling techniques to be used in the NGTS project. Work at the NGTS sites shall be performed according to the referenced standards and requirements listed in the present report.