The design of avalanche protection dams : Recent practical and theoretical developments
Barbolini, Massimiliano; Domaas, Ulrik; Faug, Thierry; Gauer, Peter; Hákonardóttir, Kristín Martha; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Issler, Dieter; Jóhannesson, Tómas; Lied, Karstein; Naaim, Mohamed; Naaim-Bouvet, Florence
This book discusses the design of dams and other protective measures in the run-out zones of wet- and dry-snow avalanches. It summarises recent theoretical developments and the results of field and laboratory studies, combining them with traditional design guidelines and principles to formulate design recommendations. Not discussed are hazard zoning, land use planning, evacuations, supporting structures in starting zones, snow fences in catchment areas, and other safety measures outside the run-out zone. Reinforcement of individual buildings also falls outside the scope of the book, as do protective measures against landslides and slushflows.