Avalanche studies and model validation in Europe, SATSIE. 1st annual report
During the first year ofthe SATSIE project, emphasis was on preparatory activities, i.e., development of sensors and data analysis methods, installation of new equipment in the experimental facilities, exploration of different options for developing new models, and establishing a web-site for communication within the project and to the interested public. Two measurement campaigns could be conducted at the full-scale site Ryggform (Norway), albeit with limited instrumentation only, as had been anticipated. At all the chutes, however, intensive experimentation has begun and has already produced intriguing preliminary results that will be tested and extended in the second project year. In view of the planned model development, candidate rheological approaches and entrainment mechanisms have been investigated for their relevance and applicability. In the following, we summarise the main activities and results in the six work packages ofthe project and the expenditures of each partner during the reporting period. In six separate chapters, a more detailed account of the activities and results of all the work packages is given. The Appendix collects several scientific papers and reports written in the first year of SATSIE are collected for reference