• Verktøy for Risikohåndtering – Manual Norsk 

      Piciullo, Luca; Langford, Jenny (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.2, Research report, 2019-09-08)
      Hensikten med verktøyet er å systematisk identifisere og vurdere risiko for uønskede hendelser. Risikomatrisen som genereres kan danne grunnlag for valg av anleggsmetoder og behov for avbøtende tiltak. Risikovurderingen ...
    • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Blasting tests 

      Norén-Cosgriff, Karin (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.2, Research report, 2021-12-01)
      In this study, two instrumented blast test series were performed in a rock quarry in Norway. For the first test series, two buildings were erected, one made of Light Expanded Clay Aggregate (Leca) blocks, and one in ...
    • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Effect of vibrations on slope stability 

      Johansson, Jörgen (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.3, Research report, 2019-08-29)
      A landslide-triggered tsunami caused extensive material damage at Statland, Norway in 2014. Other landslides in Sweden and US have also been triggered by man-made vibrations. To understand better how vibrations from vibratory ...
    • Vær- og snøforhold samt skredsituasjoner vinterene 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79. Grasdalen, Stryn 

      Christianditis, Savvas; Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58000-03, Research report, 1985-12-27)
      En beskrivelse av værforholdene ved Garasdalen for vintersesongene fra desember 1974 til april 1979 er presentert i denne rapporten. En oversikt over skredaktiviteten i den samme perioden er også gitt.
    • Vær-, snø- og skredobservasjoner i Grasdalen. En sammenfatning 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58110 R, Research report, 1983-09-29)
      Observasjonene i Grasdalen gjøres på en mest mulig standardisert måte. Metodikken for værobservasjonene er henta fra Meteorologisk Institutts "Håndbok for meteorologiske observatører 1" og "Meteorologiske koder, synop". ...
    • Weather stations in Norway suitable for SNOWPACK modelling in Norway in 2016 

      Ragulina, Galina (NGI-rapport;20140053-04-TN, Research report, 2017-01-23)
      A physical SNOWPACK model developed by Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, SLF, requires following meteorological observations as input data1 for the model simulations: - air temperature (TA) - ...
    • Wind simulations for use in local avalanche forecasting 

      Gisnås, Kjersti (NGI-rapport;20170131-19-TN, Research report, 2020-06-26)
      Quantification of release probabilities in local avalanche forecasting are depending on knowledge of historical weather characteristics as well as detailed knowledge of the wind driven snow distribution on a fine scale. ...
    • WP 2 – Full-scale experiments at Ryggfonn Ryggfonn avalanche observations 2019/2020 

      Gauer, Peter; Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20200017-05-TN, Research report, 2021-03-22)
      NGI is operating the avalanche test site at Ryggfonn in Stryn municipality, Vestland county, western Norway (61.969°N, 7.275°E) since early 1980s. In addition to the field work and data collection in frame work of WP2, ...
    • WP 2 – Full-scale experiments at Ryggfonn Ryggfonn avalanche observations 2020/2021 

      Gauer, Peter; Langeland, Henrik; Salazar, Sean; Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;20200017-06-TN, Research report, 2022-04-07)
      NGI continues to operate the avalanche test site at Ryggfonn in Stryn municipality, Vestland county, western Norway (61.969°N, 7.275°E). In addition to the field work and data collection performed in the context of WP2 – ...
    • WP 2 – Full-scale experiments at Ryggfonn Ryggfonn avalanche observations 2021/2022 

      Gauer, Peter (NGI-Rapport;20200017-11-TN, Research report, 2024-01-03)
      NGI is operating the avalanche test site at Ryggfonn in Stryn municipality, Vestland county, western Norway (61.969°N, 7.275°E) since the early 1980s. In addition to the field work and data collection in the framework of ...
    • WP1 - Container experiments - Yearly report 2021 

      Wærsted, Frøydis Meen; Hansen, Caroline Berge Hansen; Fjermestad, Halldis; Hagelia, Per (NGI-rapport;20200436-09-R, Research report, 2023-05-08)
      Container experiments investigating leaching from alum shale under different conditions were started autumn 2020 as a part of the Under Oslo project at NGI (SP13). Furthermore, leaching from alum shale mixed with different ...
    • WP1 - Mixed fractions of black shale and rhomb porphyry 

      Totland, Christian (NGI-rapport;20200436-02-R, Research report, 2023-02-20)
      When taking out potentially acid-producing black shale in construction projects, rock masses are often unintentionally mixed with masses of other rocks. The acid-producing potential of such mixed masses is uncertain, and ...
    • WP1 - Rhomb porphyry - data report 

      Børresen, Marion (NGI-rapport;20200436-08-R, Research report, 2021-12-22)
      Samples of rhomb porphyry have been characterized with chemical analyses and different leaching experiments (column, container and standard leaching tests) to study their composition and leaching properties. Results ...
    • WP1 - Temporary storage of black shales – a compilation of case studies, experiences and overall conclusions 

      Wærsted, Frøydis Meen; Slinde, Gøril Aasen; Børresen, Marion (NGI-rapport;20200436-03-R, Research report, 2023-01-09)
      As a part of the internal R&D project "Under Oslo" at NGI, several aspects of temporary storage of black shale has been investigated. Information from different experiments and cases of black shale storage from the ...
    • Årsrapport [FoU Snøskred 2012] 

      Sandersen, Frode; Jaedicke, Christian; Domaas, Ulrik; Gauer, Peter; Kronholm, Kalle (NGI-rapport;20120031-01-R, Research report, 2013-02-01)
      Rapporten beskriver aktivitetene som er gjennomført i 2012 innenfor FoU prosjektet ”Snøskred” finansiert gjennom NVE. Prosjektet er delt inn i 4 hovedområder: - Modellering - Varsling - Sikringstiltak, herunder ...
    • Øysand research site: Geotechnical characterisation of deltaic sandy-silty soils 

      Quinteros, Santiago; Gundersen, Aleksander; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Carraro, Antonio H.; Jardine, Richard (NGI-rapport;20190154-09-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      This paper describes the geology and geotechnical engineering properties of the fluvial and deltaic gravelly-sandy-silty sediments at Øysand, Norway. Geophysical and geotechnical site investigations carried out between ...