• Data report core logging KH-02-2018 

      Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-04-R Rev. 1, Report, 2019-02-04)
    • Datareport corelogging KH-01-2018 

      Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-03-R, Report, 2019-02-11)
      KH-01-18 is a core drilled bore hole at the west flank in the Åknes rock slope. The bore hole is 222.6 meter deep, and was core drilled during July to August 2018. Geodrilling AS performed the core drilling on assignment ...

      D'Ignazio, Marco (NGI Rapport;20150014-13-R, Report, 2019-02-20)
      As part of the R&D project GEODIP-SP8, a multivariate high-quality database of sensitive clays consisting of laboratory strength and consolidation test results, index parameters and CPTU parameters was established. The ...
    • Estimating Avalanche Triggering Probability using meteorological and local terrain parameters through a fuzzy inference approach 

      Ragulina, Galina; Uzielli, Marco (NGI-rapport;20170131-12-TN, Research report, 2019-04-23)
      The aim of the present study is the quantitative estimation of snow avalanche triggering probability (ATP) for daily local forecasting purposes based on meteorological and local terrain factors. At present, ATP is indirectly ...
    • Deliverable 3.1. Field trial framework for the use of knowledge concerning climate adaptation measures and their implementation 

      Brugge, Rutger van der; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Koers, Gerben; Raaphorst, Kevin (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.1, Research report, 2019-04-23)
      This field trial framework aims to ensure that the various field trials at the EVOKED case study sites are carried out, as much as possible, in a consistent manner such that they may be cross compared, and lessons may be ...
    • Snøskredulykke i Tamokdalen 2019-01-02 

      Sandersen, Frode (Research report, 2019-05-29)
      Fire utenlandske skituristerutløste et snøskred på topptur i Tamokdalen. Alle de fire omkom. Notatet beskriver skredfaglige faktorer.
    • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Effect of vibrations on slope stability 

      Johansson, Jörgen (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.3, Research report, 2019-08-29)
      A landslide-triggered tsunami caused extensive material damage at Statland, Norway in 2014. Other landslides in Sweden and US have also been triggered by man-made vibrations. To understand better how vibrations from vibratory ...
    • Verktøy for Risikohåndtering – Manual Norsk 

      Piciullo, Luca; Langford, Jenny (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.2, Research report, 2019-09-08)
      Hensikten med verktøyet er å systematisk identifisere og vurdere risiko for uønskede hendelser. Risikomatrisen som genereres kan danne grunnlag for valg av anleggsmetoder og behov for avbøtende tiltak. Risikovurderingen ...
    • Deliverable 2.3. Template for communicating scientific information and results 

      Vollstedt, Bente; Tsakiris, Maureen; Koerth, Jana; Vafeidis, Athanasios T. (NGI Rapport;20170408-06-R Rev. 1, Report, 2019-09-09)
      In the framework of the EVOKED project scientific information on different types of potential climate-change impacts has been developed. The aim is to translate these climate data into valuable and useful climate services. ...
    • SP 4 FoU Snøskred — Tertialrapport 2019-2 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20170131-16-TN, Research report, 2019-09-13)
    • Halden research site - Site characterisation and engineering properties of Halden silt 

      Blaker, Øyvind (NGI-Rapport;20160154-05-R, Report, 2019-10-02)
      Halden silt site is property of Halden municipality and it is known locally as Rødsparken. As part of the fully characterization of Halden silt site during NGTS project, two main reports are prepared: 1) a factual report ...
    • Field and Laboratory Test Results from NGTS soft clay site – Onsøy 

      Gundersen, Aleksander S.; Hansen, Ragnhild C.; Bazin, Sara; Forsberg, Cathinka S. (NGI-rapport;20160154-10-R, Report, 2019-12-02)
      In 2017, the Norwegian GeoTest Sites (NGTS) project established five research sites, one of which is the new Onsøy soft clay site located close to Fredrikstad city. This report contains all results from field and laboratory ...
    • The Tiller – Flotten research site: Geotechnical characterization of a very sensitive clay deposit 

      L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Lindgård, Anders; Emdal, Arnfinn (NGI-Rapport;20160154-20-R, Report, 2019-12-03)
      The Tiller-Flotten research site was developed through the Norwegian GeoTest site (NGTS) project. The site consists of a more than 50 m thick marine clay deposit. The top 7.5 m of the deposit shows a low to medium sensitivity, ...
    • Laboratory procedures and standards for the NGTS project 

      Hansen, Ragnhild Christin; Sjursen, Morten Andreas; El Hadj, Nouri; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Instanes, Arne; Kvisvik, Karl Ivar Volden (NGI-Rapport;20160154-02-R, Report, 2019-12-03)
      This report gives an overview of the laboratory testing procedures used in the NGTS project.
    • Characterization of two sites for geotechnical testing in permafrost: Longyearbyen, Svalbard 

      Gilbert, Graham; Instanes, Arne; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Aalberg, Arne (NGI-Rapport;20160154-07-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      The mean annual air temperature in Svalbard has increased between 3 °C and 5 °C during the last 40 to 50 years. The continuous warming trend observed in Svalbard during the last 30 years has raised concerns about the ...
    • Øysand research site: Geotechnical characterisation of deltaic sandy-silty soils 

      Quinteros, Santiago; Gundersen, Aleksander; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Carraro, Antonio H.; Jardine, Richard (NGI-rapport;20190154-09-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      This paper describes the geology and geotechnical engineering properties of the fluvial and deltaic gravelly-sandy-silty sediments at Øysand, Norway. Geophysical and geotechnical site investigations carried out between ...
    • Standardization of in situ tests and field work 

      Kåsin, Kristoffer; Kirkevolden, Ole Vidar; Instanes, Arne; Andersen, Espen; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Bazin, Sara; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Gundersen, Aleksander Sæthereng (NGI-rapport;20190154-03-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      The Norwegian Geo-Test Sites (NGTS) research infrastructure, with funding from The Research Council of Norway, creates a national research test site facility for geotech-nical research. The five national test sites are ...
    • Kommunikasjonsplan 

      Lundgard, Nicholas (NGI-Rapport;20160154-18-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      Denne kommunikasjonsplanen er ment som et verktøy til deg som partner, bidragsyter og deltaker i forskningskonsortiet. Hensikten er å gi en felles bakgrunn og forståelse, informasjon og hovedbudskap om FoU programmet ...
    • Standardization of in situ tests and field work 

      Kåsin, Kristoffer; Kirkevolden, Ole Vidar; Instanes, Arne; Andersen, Espen; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Bazin, Sara; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Gundersen, Aleksander S. (NGI-rapport;20160154-03-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      This report presents a brief overview of standards for in situ tests and field work carried out within the NGTS project.
    • Interpretation report Onsøy 

      Gundersen, Aleksander S.; Hansen, Ragnhild C. (NGI-rapport;20160154-11-R, Report, 2019-12-05)
      This report includes a paper published 29 August 2019 in AIMS Geosciences 5, pages 665-703, with the title "Characterization and engineering properties of the NGTS Onsøy soft clay site".