• The Ryggfonn project. Avalanche data from the winters 1994/95 and 1995/96 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;58120-32, Research report, 1997-12-20)
      This report presents data collected from the full-scale Ryggfonn project during the winters 1994/95 and 1995/95. Only four avalanches were observed in the course of these two winters, three of which were naturally released ...
    • The Ryggfonn project. Avalanche data from the winters 1996/97, 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;58120-33, Research report, 2001-11-01)
      This report presents data collected from the full-scale Ryggfonn project during the winters 1996/1997, 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000. The weather and snow conditions and avalanches characteristics are summarised. The ...
    • The Ryggfonn project. Description of instrumentation and data registration system 

      Kvisterøy, Terje (NGI-rapport;58120-03, Research report, 1983-06-10)
      The Ryggfonn avalanche path has been instrumented to measure: deflections on a 6 m high steel mast mounted at top of the test embankment by means of weldable strain gauges; wind speed of powder snow fronts by means of a ...
    • Ryggfonn prosjektet. Målinger gjort under skred 23. april 1983 

      Kvisterøy, Terje (NGI-rapport;58120 Notat 1983-06-27, Research report, 1983-06-27)
    • Sentrifuge til bestemmelse av strekkfasthet i snø 

      Fischer, Karl Petter (NGI-rapport;58101-01, Research report, 1974-01-01)
      På snøforskningsstasjonen i Grasdalen var det behov for laboratorieutstyr til utforskning av snøens mekaniske egenskaper. Efter en studietur som undertegnede foretok til Snøforsknings instituttet på Weissfluhjoch ovenfor ...
    • Shear stresses and boundary layers in snow avalanches 

      Norem, Harald (NGI-rapport;581240-03, Research report, 1995-10-20)
      Full-scale experiments on snow avalanches have shown that the major part ofthe avalanches are mixed flow avalanches, and that they consist of at least two parts, a dense flow part and a turbidity part. The report is based ...
    • A Simple Model for the Variability of Release Area Size 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-Rapport;20200017‐03‐TN, Research report, 2023-08-24)
      The hazard mapping tool NAKSIN estimates the release probability of potential release areas (PRAs) by testing a stability criterion based on the infinite-slope approximation with a large sample of synthetic weather situations. ...
    • Simulations of dense snow avalanches on deflecting dams 

      Irgens, Fridtjov (NGI-rapport;58121-03, Research report, 1997-08-27)
      Two models simulating snow avalanches impacting retaining dams at oblique angles of incidence are presented. First a lumped mass model applying the Voellmy-Perla equation is used to calculate the path ofthe centre-of-mass ...
    • SIP-6 snøskredforskning. Bruk av klimadatabaser for skredfareevaluering 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58810-23, Research report, 2002-01-29)
      Det er innhenta værdata fra 15 meteorologiske klimastasjoner i Norge. Disse dataene er behandla slik at de er relevante for vurdering av sannsynligheten for utløsning av snøskred. Det betyr at det er foretatt en glidende ...
    • SIP6 snøskredforskning. Vær-, snø - og snøskred i Grasdalen. Vintrene 1994/1995 til 1999/2000 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;20011001-05, Research report, 2001-10-29)
      Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over innsamlede vær-, snø- og snøskreddata fra skredforskningsstasjonen Fonnbu i Grasdalen på Strynefjellet. Oversikten omfatter vintrene 1994/1995, 1995/1996, 1996/1997, 1997/1998, 1999/2000.
    • SIP8 - offshore geohazards and SIP6 - snøskredforskning. 3D- visualization of slides and the NIS slide model 

      Domaas, Ulrik (NGI-rapport;20021023-36, Research report, 2005-03-31)
      Numerical models are important tools for hazard assessment, and visualization is an important tool for pre-processing the input to those models and presenting results from the model runs. Visualization results address ...
    • Skred, skråninger. Generelt. Thermodynamic equilibrium between ice and water in porous media 

      Loch, J. P. G. (NGI-rapport;50900-01, Research report, 1977-01-01)
      A derivation is given for the equation of thermodynamic equilibrium between ice and water in porous media. The equation accounts for a difference between the pressure of the ice phase and the total potential (in pressure ...
    • Skred- og klimadatabase. Statusrapport. Skreddatabase 

      Juvet, Halvor (NGI-rapport;20041046 Notat 2005-01-07, Research report, 2005-01-07)
      Avdeling for skred og ingeniørgeologi ønsker gjennom prosjektet 20041046 å utvikle en database for lagring av skredinformasjon, samt et webbasert grensesnitt for registrering av skredinformasjon. Arbeid i prosjektet er ...
    • Skredsøk ved bruk av magnetometer 

      Iwe, Harald (Research report, 2003)
      En innledende teoretisk analyse viser at den beste metoden for å detektere begravde ferromagnetiske gjenstander er ved å bruke to magnetometre montert i en fast avstand og å bruke forskjellen i måleverdi (gradienten) som ...
    • Skredulykken under Håbergnuten, Svalbard 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58810-21, Research report, 2001-08-31)
      To menn som var ute og kjørte snøscootere ble tatt av et snøskred som løsnet i fjellsida opp mot fjellet Håbergnuten sør for Dryabreen i Fardalen ca. kl. 15:30 Søndag 4. februar 200 I. Skredet løsnet etter forutgaende ...
    • Skredutløsning. Installasjonsrapport 

      Hansen, Rein Sørnes (NGI-rapport;84425 Notat 1984-10-12, Research report, 1984)
      I uke 38/84 ble de koblingsbokser og forbindelses kabler som er beskrevet i rapport 84425 (se vedlegg 1) lagt ut og koblet sammen ute i terrenget (fjellsiden). Alle koblingsboksene og ledningene ble gravd ned i lyng og ...
    • Slushflow questionnaire 

      Onesti, Lawrence j.; Hestnes, Erik (NGI-rapport;58200-06, Research report, 1988-10-10)
      Questionnaires concerning slushflows were distributed globally. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine the geographic distribution of slushflow activity as well as to collect information concerning most common ...
    • Snow avalanche damages in Norway 1981/82 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;58810-03, Research report, 1982-05-07)
      The Avalanche Section at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute after each winter compiles a survey of accidents and damage caused by snow avalanches. Serious accidents are investigated by NGI and reports are published in ...
    • Snow avalanche damages in Norway 1982/83 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;58810-06, Research report, 1983-09)
      The report constitutes part of the effort in the field "snow avalanche mechanics" described in the long range research plan for ngi, 19 82- 86 (res earch area 4, program 4.2.)
    • Snow avalanche damages in Norway 1983/84 

      Kristensen, Krister (NGI-rapport;58810-08, Research report, 1984-12-27)
      The report constitutes part of the research effort in the field "slides and avalanches" described in the long range research plan for NGI 1985-1989 (research area 2, program 2.4).