Now showing items 167-186 of 197

    • Snøskredulykke ved Haugastøl 2017-03-15 

      Brattlien, Kjetil (NGI-rapport;20170131-03-TN, Research report, 2018-01-12)
      En gruppe med seks tyske skigåere ble tatt av snøskred ved Gråskallen ca. 7 km nordvest for Haugastøl onsdag 15. mars 2017 ca. kl. 1200. Ingen omkom til tross for at en av de skredtatte lå 4 timer under 1.5 m skredsnø ...
    • Snøskyskredmodell SL-1D – Grunnleggende ligninger og korrektur-faktorer 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20170131-06-TN, Research report, 2017-12-22)
      For tiden mangler det en beregningsmodell for snøskyskred som er like raskt og enkelt å bruke som f.eks. modellene RAMMS eller MoT-Voellmy for den tette delen av snøskred. I rådgivningsoppdrag brukes det derfor av og til ...
    • SP 4 FoU Snøskred — Tertialrapport 2019-2 

      Issler, Dieter (NGI-rapport;20170131-16-TN, Research report, 2019-09-13)
    • Spatio-temporal distribution of extreme weather events and natural hazards (snow avalanches and rockfalls) in Norway 

      Meyer, Nele Kristin (NGI-rapport;20091808-03-TN Rev. 1, Research report, 2013-05-15)
      The InfraRisk project is concerned with the impacts of extreme weather events (EWE) on the Norwegian transport infrastructure. Natural hazards triggered by EWE's are thereby of central concern. Transport routes running ...
    • Standardization of in situ tests and field work 

      Kåsin, Kristoffer; Kirkevolden, Ole Vidar; Instanes, Arne; Andersen, Espen; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Bazin, Sara; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Gundersen, Aleksander Sæthereng (NGI-rapport;20190154-03-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      The Norwegian Geo-Test Sites (NGTS) research infrastructure, with funding from The Research Council of Norway, creates a national research test site facility for geotech-nical research. The five national test sites are ...
    • Standardization of in situ tests and field work 

      Kåsin, Kristoffer; Kirkevolden, Ole Vidar; Instanes, Arne; Andersen, Espen; Sinitsyn, Anatoly; Bazin, Sara; Lysdahl, Asgeir Kydland; Gundersen, Aleksander S. (NGI-rapport;20160154-03-R, Report, 2019-12-04)
      This report presents a brief overview of standards for in situ tests and field work carried out within the NGTS project.
    • Stress analyses for numerical modelling of submarine flowslides 

      Norem, Harald; Schieldrop, Bonsak (NGI-Rapport;522090-10, Research report, 1991-04-05)
      This report is based on, and is a continuation of the NGI-report 522090-2 "An Approach to the Physics and the Modelling of Submarine Flows lides ", by Norem, Locat and Schieldrop (1989).Submarine flowslides are assumed to ...
    • Summary of the 1st International Workshop 23 – 24 November 2016 

      L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Ozkul, Zeynep (NGI-rapport;20160154-15-R, Report, 2017-01-23)
      NGI and its partners, NTNU, SINTEF, UNIS and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), have received funding from The Research Council of Norway (RCN) to develop a new Norwegian GeoTest sites research infrastructure. ...
    • Sørpeskred. Egenskaper, historikk og sikringsløsninger 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Kalsnes, Bjørn; Solheim, Anders (Klima 2050;38, Report, 2022)
      Sørpeskred er en skredtype som gjør stor skade på infrastruktur og bebyggelse, men som er forsket på og dokumentert i mye mindre omfang enn for eksempel snøskred og flomskred. Sørpeskred oppstår når snødekket mettes med ...
    • The Tiller – Flotten research site: Geotechnical characterization of a very sensitive clay deposit 

      L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien; Lindgård, Anders; Emdal, Arnfinn (NGI-Rapport;20160154-20-R, Report, 2019-12-03)
      The Tiller-Flotten research site was developed through the Norwegian GeoTest site (NGTS) project. The site consists of a more than 50 m thick marine clay deposit. The top 7.5 m of the deposit shows a low to medium sensitivity, ...
    • TIGRA. The integrated geological risk assessment. Hazard zoning methods of snow avalanches, debris flow and rock falls. Final report 

      Lied, Karstein (NGI-rapport;589210-03, Research report, 1997-11-20)
      The present report describes natural hazard zoning methods for snow avalanches in Norway and in some other countries were avalanches are a serious threat to the society. In addition methods for rock-fall and debris slide ...
    • Triaksialforsøk på snø 

      Haugen, Yngvar (NGI-rapport;58101-03, Research report, 1978-01-01)
      Vinteren 1978 ble det montert triaksialapparatur på NGI's skredstasjon i Grasdalen. I midten av mars ble det kjørt en serie forsøk. Undersøkelsene må betraktes som pilotforøk, og ikke tillegges en så stor nøyaktighet. ...
    • Using eCognition Definiens for automated detection of snow avalanche deposits from very high resolution optical imagery - New developments 

      Lato, Matthew J.; Frauenfelder, Regula (NGI-rapport;20120096-01-TN, Research report, 2013-01-28)
      The identification of snow avalanche deposits from high resolution optical satellite imagery had been the focus of the project "avalRS” which NGI, together with the Norwegian Computing Centre and Statens Veivesen, had ...
    • Using eCognition Definiens for automated detection of snow avalanches from optical imagery 

      Lato, Matthew J.; Frauenfelder, Regula (NGI-rapport;20110112 Notat 2012-07-14 Rev. 1, Research report, 2012-07-14)
      Detection of avalanches from remotely collected optical imagery has been tested through analysis of image properties such as brightness, contrast, and different measures of texture. There have been few publications on ...
    • Using hydrogeological numerical modelling to predict drainage to excavations – findings from four Norwegian case studies 

      Kahlström, Mats (NGI-rapport;20170774-D3.4, Research report, 2022-08-30)
      Urban ground work such as deep excavations performed in soft clay may cause damage to neighbouring buildings and structures as a consequence of settlements partly caused by drainage. The costs related to settlement damage ...
    • Verktøy for Risikohåndtering – Manual Norsk 

      Piciullo, Luca; Langford, Jenny (NGI-rapport;20170774-D5.2, Research report, 2019-09-08)
      Hensikten med verktøyet er å systematisk identifisere og vurdere risiko for uønskede hendelser. Risikomatrisen som genereres kan danne grunnlag for valg av anleggsmetoder og behov for avbøtende tiltak. Risikovurderingen ...
    • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Blasting tests 

      Norén-Cosgriff, Karin (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.2, Research report, 2021-12-01)
      In this study, two instrumented blast test series were performed in a rock quarry in Norway. For the first test series, two buildings were erected, one made of Light Expanded Clay Aggregate (Leca) blocks, and one in ...
    • Vibration induced damage due to construction work – Effect of vibrations on slope stability 

      Johansson, Jörgen (NGI-rapport;20170774-D4.3, Research report, 2019-08-29)
      A landslide-triggered tsunami caused extensive material damage at Statland, Norway in 2014. Other landslides in Sweden and US have also been triggered by man-made vibrations. To understand better how vibrations from vibratory ...
    • Vær- og snøforhold samt skredsituasjoner vinterene 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79. Grasdalen, Stryn 

      Christianditis, Savvas; Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58000-03, Research report, 1985-12-27)
      En beskrivelse av værforholdene ved Garasdalen for vintersesongene fra desember 1974 til april 1979 er presentert i denne rapporten. En oversikt over skredaktiviteten i den samme perioden er også gitt.
    • Vær-, snø- og skredobservasjoner i Grasdalen. En sammenfatning 

      Bakkehøi, Steinar (NGI-rapport;58110 R, Research report, 1983-09-29)
      Observasjonene i Grasdalen gjøres på en mest mulig standardisert måte. Metodikken for værobservasjonene er henta fra Meteorologisk Institutts "Håndbok for meteorologiske observatører 1" og "Meteorologiske koder, synop". ...