• Comparing model and full-scale experiments on snow avalanche dynamics 

      Norem, Harald (NGI-rapport;58120-28, Research report, 1992-10-01)
      The paper is a part of a Japanese - Norwegian collaboration on snow avalanche dynamics. The results of model experiments carried out at the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Sapporo are compared with full-scale ...
    • Comparison of snow pressure measurements and theoretical predictions 

      McClung, David Michael (NGI-rapport;58110-03, Research report, 1985-02-01)
      Measurements of snow pressures from the centre section of a 3.4 m high and 15 m long avalanche-defence supporting structure located on a mountain in western Norway are presented. The site has a deep snow cover and an average ...
    • Computational models for dense snow avalanche motion 

      Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie (NGI-rapport;581250-03, Research report, 1996-04-30)
      Seventeen various models of dense snow avalanche motion are presented. These include statistical, comparative and energy considering models for runout distance computations as well as dynamic models for avalanche motion ...
    • Conceptual model for quantification of snow avalanche return periods 

      Harbitz, Alf; Harbitz, Carl B. (NGI-rapport;20091808-01-TN, Research report, 2012-12-11)
      This note is a contribution to the InfraRisk project (Module B) where one of the aims is to suggest an improved standard for hazard mapping. In particular, it is attempted to overcome the deficieney pointed out for *WP Bl ...
    • Consolidation of requirements - Analysis of questionnaire 

      Reutz, Elisabeth Hoffstad; Frauenfelder, Regula; Salazar, Sean (NGI Rapport;20190309-02-R, Report, 2022-11-08)
      This report presents a synthesis of the results of a questionnaire distributed to personnel from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) and several county road administrations. The aim of the survey was to evaluate ...
    • Container experiments yearly report 2022 

      Wærsted, Frøydis Meen; Hansen, Caroline Berge; Dublet-Adli, Gabrielle; Fjermestad, Halldis; Hagelia, Per (NGI-rapport;20200436-10-R, Research report, 2023-07-07)
      Container experiments investigating leaching from alum shale under different conditions were started autumn 2020 as a part of the Under Oslo project at NGI (SP13). Furthermore, leaching from alum shale mixed with different ...
    • Coupled hydro-mechanical stability analysis of Åknes rock slope 

      Shabanimashcool, Mahdi (NGI-Rapport;20180662-07-R, Report, 2020-12-18)
      Stability of Åknes rock slide was assessed by coupled hydro-mechanical numerical analysis. The analysis was carried out by considering explicitly the rock joints network and the sliding planes. Numerical analysis shows ...
    • CPT 3 – Quantitative risk assessment: Remarks on the uncertainty in the delimitation of hazard zones based on historical observations 

      Gauer, Peter (NGI-Rapport;20200017-09-TN, Research report, 2022-03-22)
      The Norwegian building code regulates the societal acceptable risk from avalanches for three building classes (S1, S1, and S3). The corresponding highest allowed nominal annual probabilities of avalanches reaching the ...

      D'Ignazio, Marco (NGI Rapport;20150014-13-R, Report, 2019-02-20)
      As part of the R&D project GEODIP-SP8, a multivariate high-quality database of sensitive clays consisting of laboratory strength and consolidation test results, index parameters and CPTU parameters was established. The ...
    • Data report core logging KH-02-2017 

      Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-02-R, Report, 2019-01-18)
      KH-02-17 is a core drilled bore hole in the upper section of the Åknes rock slope. The bore hole is 300 meter deep, and was core drilled during September-October in 2017. Geodrilling AS performed the core drilling on ...
    • Data report core logging KH-02-2018 

      Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-04-R Rev. 1, Report, 2019-02-04)
    • Database og verktøy for prediksjon av anleggsvibrasjoner 

      Norén-Cosgriff, Karin; Dahl, Birgitte Misund (NGI Rapport;20170115-01-TN, Report, 2017-12-21)
      Formålet med GBV prosjektet "Database og verktøy for prediksjon av anleggsvibrasjoner" har vært å samle NGIs måledata for anleggsvibrasjoner, og med støtte fra måledata utvikle empiriske verktøy for beregning av ...
    • Datareport corelogging KH-01-2017 

      Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-01-R, Report, 2018-11-29)
    • Datareport corelogging KH-01-2018 

      Langeland, Henrik (NGI-Rapport;20180662-03-R, Report, 2019-02-11)
      KH-01-18 is a core drilled bore hole at the west flank in the Åknes rock slope. The bore hole is 222.6 meter deep, and was core drilled during July to August 2018. Geodrilling AS performed the core drilling on assignment ...
    • Deliverable 1.1. Living Lab Co-Design Requirements Guiding Paper. Work Package 1: Co-design 

      Well, Lisa Van (NGI Rapport;20170408-01-R, Research report, 2018-05-16)
      The goal of this document is to outline the first practical steps and tasks in the Co-design process. As such, it provides guidelines for the EVOKED partners to begin the first phase of the Living Lab Process. It consists ...
    • Deliverable 1.2. Climate services needs inventory. Work Package 1: Co-design 

      Ekeheien, Christina; Oen, Amy (NGI Rapport;20170408-04-R, Research report, 2019-01-18)
    • Deliverable 2.3. Template for communicating scientific information and results 

      Vollstedt, Bente; Tsakiris, Maureen; Koerth, Jana; Vafeidis, Athanasios T. (NGI Rapport;20170408-06-R Rev. 1, Report, 2019-09-09)
      In the framework of the EVOKED project scientific information on different types of potential climate-change impacts has been developed. The aim is to translate these climate data into valuable and useful climate services. ...
    • Deliverable 3.1. Field trial framework for the use of knowledge concerning climate adaptation measures and their implementation 

      Brugge, Rutger van der; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Koers, Gerben; Raaphorst, Kevin (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.1, Research report, 2019-04-23)
      This field trial framework aims to ensure that the various field trials at the EVOKED case study sites are carried out, as much as possible, in a consistent manner such that they may be cross compared, and lessons may be ...
    • Deliverable 3.2. Capacity building material for the field trials 

      Brugge, Rutger van der; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Koers, Gerben; Raaphorst, Kevin; Well, Lisa van; Vollstedt, Bente; Koerth, Jana; Oen, Amy (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.2, Research report, 2020-01)
      In Deliverable 3.1 (Deltares, 2019) the theoretical background, research questions, hypotheses (also summarized in Section 2 of this document) and overall method have been described. This deliverable focuses on the workflow ...
    • Deliverable 3.3. Reports on execution of field trails at each case study site 

      Koers, Gerben; Ellen, Gerald Jan; Raaphorst, Kevin; Well, Lisa van; Vollsted, Bente; Koerth, Jana; Oen, Amy (EVOKED;Deliverable 3.3, Research report, 2020-12)
      The main objective of the field trials was to bring into practice the key aspects of EVOKED: the focus on climate services, the Living Labs approach, and the information design of the selected climate services for each of ...